Now is the time for students to express their creativity through film.
Liberty is participating in the first annual Wentzville School District Film Festival. All film entries must be submitted by Feb. 24, 2017. The film festival awards night will be held on March 30 at 7:00 p.m. at the Carl Reininger Theatre located at Timberland High School.
Students will have the opportunity to create a film to be submitted and judged. Films must be solely student written and produced this school year. Scripts and/or storyboards need to be approved before being submitted.
The films must not exceed seven minutes, which includes first fade to the end of the credits. All use of clip art, non-original music and authorizing programs must be credited at the end of the video. If the film disobeys copyright laws, it will be disqualified.
Films that are not appropriate for all ages will be accepted. However, they will not be displayed at the award ceremony.
Students are able to use the library as a place to film. The library has resources such as green screens, Ipads and computers.
“Any sort of Library technology is available and we are also available as a resource,” librarian Mrs. Oliva said. “So if someone wants to learn how to use WeVideo or they need to learn how to use the green screens, we’re here to help.”
Senior Jake Denunzio enjoys filming and is interested in the festival.
“It’s just what I’ve wanted to do for most of my life,” Denunzio said. “I feel like the film festival would be sort of fun to do as a gateway to doing it professionally.”
The available film categories are instructional, informational, Public Service Announcement (PSA)/commercial, story, music video, news package and sports. Each school is limited three entries per category.
“I think it’ll be a learning experience for everyone involved,” Mrs. Oliva said, “I’m excited to see what our kids create, because we have really talented students and talented students across the district.”
For more information about rules, categories and crediting visit the website https://sites.google.com/a/wsdr4.org/wentzville-film-festival/home.