Abby Jordan
The cafeteria no longer sells CFA sandwiches, so they are doing a pickle breaded chicken sandwich instead.
Many students were thrilled when they were informed about Chick-fil-A being an option on the menu last year, but when students arrived back to school last month and it was no longer an option, there were many who were shocked.
Debbie Boswell, who is the manager of the cafeteria, explains that with the program the cafeteria had, there was not enough money to continue selling Chick-fil-A for such low prices.
To recoup their losses from last year, the cafeteria has switched to the national lunch program with healthier options and foods with no trans fats and no monosodium glutamate.
The new replacement for the CFA sandwich is a pickle breaded chicken sandwich with fries for $4.
Recently, Coach Wheeler has tried the alternative to Chick-fil-A sandwich and his feedback was very positive. Wheeler noted that “the new replacement for the Chick-fil-A sandwich is very close to the original sandwich. It has everyone’s favorite pickle flavor, which I know is a need in the sandwich for me.”
The first day the chicken breaded sandwich was sold this year, more than 100 people bought it. Boswell was impressed with the turnout and says she thinks that this is a good start to the new program.
Junior Adrianna Trenholm also says that the new chicken sandwich is a lot like CFA and that she recommends it to anyone who likes the original sandwich.
Although the chicken sandwich from CFA is unbeatable, they have one thing to focus on, while the lunch staff has many meals and options everyday. So, for not being a main focus, the new alternative to the CFA is phenomenal and very much resembles the highly loved original sandwich.
“When we are trying to figure out what to serve, our first thing in mind is ‘What would the kids want?’ and we normally try to stick with that while still staying on the program,” Boswell said.
Although we don’t have Chick-fil-A, Boswell says that she is optimistic and hopes to get enough money so that they can bring back the schools favorite option. In the meantime, the pickle breaded chicken sandwich is $4, which is highly recommended.