Chris Randolph
The freshmen pose for a picture at the parade with their float decorated to represent Uno.
With homecoming being such a big event, it’s no surprise the many different ways we find to celebrate. One of the most eventful parts of the week is the homecoming parade. The parade doesn’t just celebrate Liberty, but schools all across the Wentzville School District come together to celebrate.
All different kinds of clubs paint boards related to the theme and hang them on trucks. People walking in the parade dress up or ride in the truck throwing candy at the crowd. It’s a big event that brings friends and family together to just have fun.
The freshman of the class of 2023 who worked on the float have never done a project like this before.
On an early Saturday morning, the class of 2023 gathered behind the school to paint the boards for the float. Almost all four sides of the float were completely painted in the two and a half hours the group was there, with the final touches being done later in the week. To represent the theme of this year each one of the boards was painted to represent a different game such as Twister, checkers, Uno, and Heads Up.
“I think it’s very cool how we can, now that we’re in high school, participate way more and be like way more into school spirit and all that kind of things,” Sydney Mohr said.

Finally, on Oct. 12, four students showed up to ride in the parade at Holt High School: Blair Wise, Julia McCutcheon, Madeline Lewis, Savannah Meyer and Mr. Cole (who was the last one to show up).
The team quickly got to work taking the boards out of the truck and build it. After some complications, they were able to build it and set it on top of the truck. Folding chairs were set in the truck with the box of candy in the middle for everybody to grab.
Soon the parade started and the truck drove from Holt to the First Baptist Church of Wentzville where the float was deconstructed and the kids all went their separate ways.
The best part of the parade according to Mr. Cole was “just seeing all the different groups come together, work as a cohesive unit and churn out all these fun looking floats.”
The parade was a new and fun experience for everyone, while it was a little cold seeing all the kids excited to get candy made it worth it.