Where do you work?
What is your job title?
Crew member
What do you do within your position?
Take orders, cash-out orders, make sandwiches…basically anything that isn’t managing
What is the hardest/worst part of your job?
The dinner rush and cleaning bathrooms
What is the easiest/best part of your job?
Working the fryer
Do you get along with your co-workers?
Give or take
What about your manager?
I like them
Do you prefer a busy shift or a dead shift?
A dead shift
How much do you make?
$8.65 [minimum wage]
How many hours do you work (on average) per week?
Do you have to wear a uniform?
Yes, a black t-shirt with the logo and jeans
Do you like your job? Would you recommend it to others?
Do you want the truth?