Welcome to Candyland
Liberty prepares for upcoming pep assembly, Coaches vs. Cancer game and dance
January 23, 2020
ASC members Rachel Geisler and Aubrey Kress run a booth for people to donate money for coaches vs.cancer and guess the number of M&M’s in a jar for a prize.
Liberty is packed with several upcoming exciting events that staff and students have to look forward to. The Coaches vs. Cancer spirit days, as well as the winter semi-formal theme, revolve around the sweetness and colorful treats that circulate during this time of year.
“Our theme behind ‘Candyland’ was decided by the student council because this year’s theme is ‘Let the Games Begin’ so we were thinking of a game that would go with board games and we came up with Candyland and a lot of students wanted a sweetheart theme for the dance since it is close to Valentine’s Day,”
In honor of the Red Out basketball game, each day staff members and students can dress in their best and most impressive spirit wear. An alternative schedule will be issued on Friday prior to the pep assembly after 8th hour.
On Friday of the Red Out game, three Liberty basketball teams will be playing against Fort Zumwalt North in the big gym. The JV boys game starts at 4 p.m., varsity girls game starts at 5:30 p.m., and the varsity boys game starts at 7 p.m.
“I’m excited to go to the game and have a lot of fun with my friends,” sophomore Rachel Geisler said.
The sweetheart semi-formal is on Saturday, Jan. 25 from 8 p.m.-10 p.m. The dance is girls ask guys and tickets are available for $5 per person and an extra $10 for a Coaches vs. Cancer t-shirt. Both will be sold at lunch all week. StuCo students like Oliphant anticipate a fun week of events and hope others will be encouraged to participate.
“I’m most excited about the pep assembly because I love it and we are able to get students involved and we can convince students to go to the coaches vs. cancer game. Raising money for the charity is what the week is all about,” Oliphant said.