Bigger & Better Things

Tradition Continues at Liberty, Even Amid a Pandemic

On Thursday, May 14, administration, parents and students all stood along the path from the front of the school all the way to the parking lot by the football field. The bell rang at 2:15 p.m. like it always does, and seniors paraded down the route, celebrating their past 13 years of schooling. Everywhere you looked was filled with “Liberty Camo” – Red, White, and Blue. Luckily the rain decided to stay away, but the administration was clear: the parade would take place rain or shine. Parents, siblings and families posed for pictures, unsure if this was the closest thing to a graduation ceremony they would be able to have, for a long time. Cheering, costumes, noise-makers, posters and balloons were all brought in to show the seniors how proud we are of them. The spirit of Liberty continues, even during a pandemic.

WATCH: Sendoff Parade, Senior Farewell, We Love You, Honor Night

See what 2020 Seniors have to say about Social Distancing Senior Sendoff:

Erica Schill

The senior sendoff was a lot of fun and I was glad we did something for the last day since we missed out on our last day of high school. It's really sad how the school year ended and I wish we could have finished it out normal. It's sad to think I had my last day of high school ever and I didn't even know it. (My favorite memory was) Watching the football team beat Timberland and Holt for ...

Ashley Russell

I was very emotional because I missed everyone so much and I was happy to see everyone. I’m sad that my senior year didn’t end the way I wanted but I am grateful for the time I did get.  My favorite memory from senior year personally would be the play Clue because I had a lot of fun playing Miss White and made a ton of memories that I will forever cherish. ...

Megan Kruse

Although the ending of the school year wasn’t ideal, I feel as though the administration at Liberty and all the teachers and staff made the situation the best it could be. I wish I could have made final memories at Liberty and I wish I would’ve known that that Friday was my last day at Liberty. But overall, I wouldn’t have changed a thing and I think that this just shows how no matter wh...

Cassidy Widlowski

I absolutely loved senior sendoff!! With everything going on it felt like a completely normal day with seeing all the teachers I loved and people I grew up with through school. The school year ending took a little time to adjust to, and I’m definitely sad and disappointed, but it only makes us stronger in the end and lets us look forward to all the things in the future.  My favorite memory ...

Liz Harvey

I still vividly remember the last week of school before it ended and I still think about it all of the time. It’s absolutely insane to think about how much everything has changed since that week because I could have never expected everything that has happened since then. My overall expectations for Senior Sendoff was that it was going to be quick and easy but the reality was so much more emoti...

Kate Wilson

I had the most fun at the senior sendoff and I will forever have the best memories from that day. Especially falling flat on my face in the parking lot and slicing open my arm!! But I was pretty excited, a little sad because I know for the most part I won’t see all those people ever again. I wish the school year would have ended differently but as long as people remember us. My favorite mem...

Annalisa Kercher

This year doesn’t even feel like it’s truly over yet. I practically had no work to do while quarantine was going on, so it was me doing classes twice a week for a short amount of time and now it feels like I’ve got another assignment just waiting around the corner. It was nice to be able to drive through for senior sendoff and get to give an extremely quick goodbye to the teachers that s...

Carter Kussman

It was really nice to see all the teachers and parents cheering us on. The senior sendoff was a nice ending to my senior year but of course, I wish it was different. My favorite memory was probably being a TA for Mrs. Beierman - she’s the best teacher ever. ...

Damonya Jones

Senior sendoff was very good; it was a great way to end our 2020 class. Honestly, the senior parade was very exciting and very inspiring. Me personally, I was an early graduate, so I started celebrating way before. But it was fun to come together with my class. My end of the school year went great - I started traveling preparing for my next chapter. I actually went straight into community coll...

Rylee Miller

I was, and still am, extremely upset with how the school year ended. This year was something that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time so it’s unfortunate that we weren’t able to have a normal senior year. I loved the senior sendoff. Although it wasn’t a big assembly where we could walk across the bridge with our friends, I’m really happy that the school put together this eve...

Jenna McVey

I was disappointed that I was unaware of my last day of high school. However, I felt like the senior sendoff made up for it; I really enjoyed that we got to hear the bell ring one last time and got to see all of the support from my friends, teachers, and family. My favorite memory from high school is being apart of Liberty soccer’s first district win. ...

Grace Watson

Obviously the way senior year ended wasn’t the best and I really wish we got the opportunity to have our last day and walk across the bridge but I thought it was great how we at least got to do the senior sendoff with all the teachers and there were a lot more people than I expected cheering us on which was awesome!  My favorite memory was just playing basketball because I loved the team and ...

Bre Gillam

I would say my overall feelings were sad but also excited for the new experiences in the future. Senior year didn’t end how I wanted and I am really sad about missing out on some senior year experiences but I think the school is doing a good job at trying to give us those traditions but in a different way. My favorite memory was senior year tennis season. ...

Kaitlyn Hudson

Well, I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little disappointed about how everything ended. But given the situation, I think it was a very generous event that the staff put together. I felt super appreciated and cared about for sure!  I don’t think I have one particular memory that stands out to me, but all the memories I made with the varsity basketball team in the winter is definitel...

Aimee Weber

The senior sendoff made me smile nonstop, it was so fun getting to drive through our amazing Liberty family!! The feeling after was bittersweet because as happy as I was to see all of my teachers again, it made me sad thinking about how it could be the last time. The ending of our year was really hard to cope with at first, but the support we got from our teachers, coaches, and parents made me re...

Ben Ptasienski

Well, I thought it was quite thoughtful of everyone to come together and honor our class, it was cool seeing all the teachers and parents together who have helped us along the way.  My favorite memory of senior year was hanging with JT Bonds.

Megan Foster

This obviously wasn’t the senior year we expected, but there’s been a lot of good that has come out of it. I thought Senior sendoff was incredible. I held a “corona-ball” that Bri Corgan’s dad made throughout the parade. I got a lot of good reactions to it, and it was great to see all the teachers and families.  I don’t think I could choose just one favorite memory. Probably all the ti...

Lauren Spakowski

Well, the end of the school year was something I totally did not expect at the beginning of this year. I don’t think anyone did. I’m sad I didn’t get to experience some of the things that come at the end of the school year like prom, senior sunset, and even getting my final senior night for track, but the senior sendoff was a fun experience. It was so cool to see all of the teachers and p...

Mia Van Pamel

I was very excited to drive through and see my teachers to get a proper goodbye and it was closure, but I’ve also been really sad because I really missed being in school and seeing everyone.  My favorite memory of senior year was my senior night for basketball. It was a very emotional night for me and we had a great game as well so I got to play my last home game and spend it with my team. ...

Annette Oliphant

I thought it was a really great way to say goodbye. Seeing everyone again was so special! When the school year ended I was heartbroken because we couldn’t finish off the year but the senior sendoff was the perfect way to say goodbye. My favorite memory of senior year was the homecoming assembly. I was in charge of planning it and getting to see everyone so happy and engaged was something I...

Raelyn Snow

Senior sendoff was kind of bittersweet. It felt good knowing that I’m about to open a new chapter in my life, but it also made me very emotional knowing that high school is over. I’m sad that senior year ended the way it did, but everything happens for a reason.  My favorite memory of my senior was being in the senior homecoming court! ...

Nicole Krohn

Even though we didn’t have our bridge walk ceremony, I’m glad we at least had something. During the senior sendoff, I was very excited to have a fun ending to my last year of high school. It was good to see all my old classmates and catch up with some of them before we drove through. It was a very rewarding feeling seeing all of my old teachers smiling, waving, and congratulating all of us....

Audrey Chambers

I loved senior sendoff! I thought it was a great idea and I enjoyed being able to see the teachers and community all gathered to congratulate us. Unfortunately, it’s sad the way the year had to end how it did, but this event definitely shows what Liberty and Wentzville are all about. One of my favorite memories from senior year was Orange Night during football season! ...

Alyssa Ayuka-Bailey

It was honestly such a bittersweet moment. I didn’t anticipate the Senior Sendoff to be as emotional as it was for me. Generally, I’m not one to get emotional but I most definitely did. As soon as I saw all of the proud teachers and families waving at us, I just started tearing up. I’ve had some of the most incredible teachers impact my life for the better and in that moment, it was just a l...

Emily Ball

Bittersweet is the best way to describe it I guess...The school year ended way differently than all of us thought it would. But, the way the school put on this event for us to do, made it better. So although it was sad, I’m really glad our school cares enough about us to try to give us as many traditions as possible. And plus, it was really fun and, in these circumstances, was the best way t...

Paige Eikel

I feel like the senior sendoff was greatly needed by not only the seniors but the teachers and parents as well. Everyone needed something that reminded us of what it means to be a part of the eagle family. The sendoff made me feel appreciated and reminded me of how much Liberty staff supports us and wants to see us succeed. After spending what feels like a lifetime in quarantine, the sendoff sh...

Kevin Lange

I thought that the senior sendoff was a really good idea for the staff to do since we could have the experience of the leaving class after the bell rang. Besides the fact that the school year got cut short, I had an amazing year. I made a lot of new memories with all of my friends and I wouldn’t trade anything for those memories. My favorite memory of senior year was probably being the manager for the gir...

Madison Haynes

Senior sendoff was awesome and the administration was really great about trying to help make the year memorable. For one hour, everything felt like it was the way it should be. For one hour, I felt like my senior year was normal. Even if I could only see the people from school from my car for a split second, everything was alright for one hour. Overall, I’m heartbroken with how the year ended....

Bridget Morris

I thought the senior sendoff went really well and I’m glad that Wentzville decided to do it because other schools aren’t as lucky. I think some really good things came out of this quarantine but I was very upset (about) the year ending. When the seniors in the past would do things I would always tell myself that I would get to do it one day (senior publications night, senior sunset, Etc.) an...

Mady Bollinger

My feelings towards the senior sendoff were sad and happy. I am sad my high school years are over and it happened soo fast.  I was happy because my family and teachers were all there to say “congratulations” and “see you later.”  My favorite memory from senior year was Friday night football games. I will never forget those nights especially as a senior I loved cheering on the team ever...

Alison Flitter

I was disappointed when I found out that we won’t be going back to school, but I’m so grateful for at least having a senior sendoff. It was so heart-warming to see so many friends and families cheering us on as we drove by. My favorite memory from high school would probably the last show of Cinderella. I was crying and laughing and I was so proud of everyone. It truly was an experience tha...

Waheed Mahrous

It was a lot to handle because it was such a big day. I was really excited about happy that I finished school. The school year ending wasn’t what I had planned it’s sad I didn’t get to finish it the way I had expected but it’s okay!  My favorite memory senior year was that I had a lot of confidence in myself and I was really happy all year! ...

Julia Deters

I was really sad when I found out the school year was over. I really loved Liberty, and I was looking forward to the end of my senior year, but I think the sendoff was a great way to celebrate the whole class. One of my favorite things about Liberty is the spirit weeks so I would have to say my favorite memory of senior year was homecoming spirit week! ...

Drew Goodman

It was fun despite it not being the most convenient thing to do for high school but it’s an experience like no other. The school year could have ended like we wanted to, but for the class of 2020 I guess you could say we kind of expected something to happen; but something like this a way to say we had the longest senior skip day in history. My favorite memory from senior year is probably ha...

Katelyn Yoder

Honestly, I wasn’t sure about the Senior Sendoff. I thought it was just going to remind me about all the things I missed out on, but I ended up loving it. It was so fun to be in our own little parade and be celebrated in a unique way from any other class has been/will be! I am sad that the school year ended the way that it did, but I am happy that I have so many amazing memories from Liberty ...

Rees Lewis

At first, I was really worried that other seniors were gonna think it was stupid and not go and it was gonna be a really small turn out but it turned out better than I could’ve hoped. Obviously it’s not the way I wanted to end my senior year but the senior sendoff made it a lot better because I got to see all my favorite teachers and got to be with my friends.  It was such a fun year, b...

Michael Peeler

I didn’t mind missing school. It was totally epic sauce!!! My favorite memory was when everyone listened to "Fireflies" by Owl City at homecoming.

Amy Sutton

I loved that Liberty did something to make the seniors’ last day of school special! Although, it’s hard not having the end of our senior year because that is the fun/most memorable part. My favorite memory of senior year was probably cheering homecoming week,  powder puff, and the dance! I also loved getting to see the football team move on and do the best they’ve done in the history of ...

Rayna McKeithen

I am thankful the school gave us an opportunity to still have something special on the last day of high school. I am upset with the way the end of the year was thrown at us but, it was I’m glad we were able to have one last celebration.  My favorite memory was hands down senior night of football season. I was a cheerleader so that was a big night for me and that was by far the most intense gam...

Tai Williams

My overall feelings about senior sendoff were sad and exciting. I felt the energy that I was really about to start the next chapter of my life past Liberty.  My favorite memory from my senior year was winning the talent show and being in hoco court.

Maggie Merz

I really appreciated senior sendoff cause to put in simply it really sucked not having the chance to say goodbye and have our big last day as seniors but we were able to get that closure with the parade.  My favorite memory from senior year is cheating a little bit ‘cause it’s honestly the entirety of swim season. There was never a dull moment with all the swim girls and that season I ...

Elaine Amery

Of course, I wanted a Disney Channel end to my senior year, but I still really liked the senior sendoff. I liked having the parents there too, there were so many people and that made me really happy to see everyone come together like that. And my favorite memory performing my last competition show at Mizzou and it being the greatest the band has ever been. ...

Abby Woods

I thought it was a super fun way to recognize all the seniors! It was really nice seeing everyone in person one last time! I think the way school ended really sucks, and I would give anything to have a normal ending, BUT I can’t change things and it is what it is. So I am choosing to trust that God has a plan and good things are ahead!  It is super hard for me to pick a favorite memory bec...

Dylan Taylor

I was, and still am, actually pretty sad with how things ended. School sort of ended abruptly for me when we went into our “virtual classrooms.” So everything related to graduation has been a wound that just kept reopening. Favorite memory from senior year is 100% my experience with the Clue production and fellow cast members. ...

Cole Ingrassia

I felt very moved at senior sendoff; I was glad to see that all the teachers got together to say bye to the students one last time. I was not happy how the school year ended, I felt that I missed the most important days of senior (year), but there’s nothing we could have done about that. My favorite memory was when I did the Clue play for Theater. I got to meet a lot of people and got to be a part o...

Chris Randolph

I was happy but also a little upset at the same time. To see people who I’ve grown up with, make it to this point is a feeling that I can’t explain. And to see all the teachers one last time who helped me be where I am today was also a good feeling. There is no one specific memory, it was a good school year and all my memories that I have made, I’m grateful for. ...

Katie Harrison

I loved it!! For me, it was the closure I needed. I got to see some of my teachers and classmates which helped me feel so much better. My favorite memory from senior year was our last band competition at Mizzou. Seeing all our hard work pay off at the end was amazing. I'm so proud of everyone and couldn’t be luckier to march with such an amazing group. ...

Zach Kerns

Senior sendoff was incredible! Everybody seemed to have so much fun and it was almost like having all 4 years of high school lined up in front of you. I feel like it was a great way to make the most of a bad situation. My favorite memory from senior year was making the most of Friday night lights. I tried to have a lot of fun at every single game, because I feel like that’s something paren...

Tian Heinle

I was obviously pretty sad about the way that my senior year ended, I never would have ever guessed it would’ve been like this. A lot of those big milestone events that I’ve been looking forward to for what seems like forever are changing to being pushed and I’m going off to college next year so this is time that I would have been trying to make the most of with my friends that I’ll unfor...

Janna Stevenson

 I feel like it was a good way to end off the year so that we can still have some closure and have some sort of way to continue the traditions at Liberty. My favorite memory was all the new friends I’ve made and the successful end of my wrestling career.

Haleigh McCune

I was not happy about how the year ended, but I learned to deal with it because I realized that I would be sad either way. Even if we didn’t lose the last couple weeks of school, for my class it was our last year of high school so it would have made us feel sad either way. But I absolutely LOVED the parade. It was so fun in the very beginning to just sit in the parking lot with all the senior...

Wesley Nichols

I thought that the senior sendoff was pretty cool! I got to see a lot of people that I hadn’t seen in a while, and lots of teachers and parents were there supporting us. Even though the ending of the school year wasn’t ideal, it brought us together as a whole for that celebration. I don’t have a specific memory from senior year in mind, but going to a lot of the events at the school and jus...

Marissa Sharp

I’m happy that we got to do something similar to the bridge walk tradition, even though it wasn’t the same it was still so much fun! I was happy to be able to see all of the staff and students again! This isn’t the senior year that I expected but I appreciate everything the staff has done to try to make it better for us. My favorite memory from senior year was homecoming. ...

Anakin McCormick

I feel like the senior sendoff was actually pretty great! I wasn’t expecting anything fantastic but the turnout and overall energy of the whole event was amazing. Obviously it’s not the perfect ending us seniors were expecting, but what can you do about it? I feel we are making the most with what we have and that’s all we can really do! My favorite memory from my senior year was probably...

Dessa Outman

Right when school got canceled, I for real thought it was some kind of pandemic snow day and we’d be back in a week, and then reality slowly slapped me across the face for the month. I was never a person to say they hated school, so it was really hard for me to accept that I wasn’t going to get to say goodbye. It was crazy to think you had a “last time” without knowing it, because you d...

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