Kylie Beard

Erin Vosbrink and her boyfriend, Jared Beard both work for Chubb Insurance. They share the dining room table for their work space until they are able to go back to the office.

Parents Working From Home

What happens after we leave for school?

We hear a lot about how COVID-19 has been affecting school student’s daily lives, but we don’t really hear about what’s going on at home. More than ever, many parents are working from home. How does this affect their daily lives? How are offices handling the working-from-home situation? Are adults more productive in, or out of the office? Are offices willing to welcome their workers back, and what would that look like? I asked two people I know who work from home, their opinion on the topic.

Cheri Westrich, Global Engagement Manager at World Wide Technology

How has working from home affected your work stress? Has it gone up, down? Cheri: “Initially went up, as time went on it’s evened out.” Has working from home affected your company overall? Is your company doing well? Cheri: “We’ve been doing very well. Business has, in some cases, increased. Due to the need for the IT industry and the need for in-home supplies- laptops, monitors.�...

Erin Vosbrink, Senior Claim Examiner at Chubb Insurance

How has working from home affected your work stress?  Erin: “I’d say it’s gone up.”  Has working from home affected your company overall? Is your company doing well? Erin: “I’m pretty sure they’re still doing well. We’re an industry that can pretty much work from anywhere.”  Do you find yourself easily distracted working from home? Why? Explain. Erin: “Yes. I feel...

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