Alix Queen
Students at LHS show off their artistic talent with their paintings on display.
Each month, the LHS Library sponsors a STEAM Challenge for students. All participating students are entered to win a prize at the end of the semester.
“I’ve been wanting to do a STEAM project for a long time,” sophomore Emma Thomas explained.
In November, students were invited to paint an original piece of art for the “Tiny Paint Contest.”
“I entered because I was excited to start painting again,” sophomore Layla Olsen revealed.
The library provides the following supplies for students: a 4×4 art canvas, four paint colors, a color mixing guide, and a paintbrush.

Students were told to pick up their supplies between the dates of Monday, Nov. 22 and Tuesday, Nov. 23 and to turn it in by Friday, Dec. 3.
Thomas explained she “entered because she thought it would be something fun to do in my free time.”
Along with the “Tiny Paint Contest” for the month of December, students are invited to see all works of art submitted for the Tiny Art Show. Pick any work of art on display, and write a short story or poem to accompany it as part of the “Tiny Pen Contest.”
Sophomore Saiya Ameen said she “will be participating in the Tiny Pen Contest,” and is “excited about it.”
Requirements are as follows: No more than 280 characters (Tweet-length). Original; the work is uniquely your own and inspired by the artwork you chose.
You will be able to submit your story by Google form, which can be found on the library website under the “STEAM” tab, no later than Tuesday, Dec. 21. Winners will be announced in the new year.