Where Were You When The Tornado Sirens Went Off?

Students explain their experiences when the tornadoes hit the Midwest on Friday Dec. 10

Read more about the tornado here.








Cody Cushing (10)

"I was taking photos for the yearbook at the wrestling invitational when the call was made to evacuate the gym and get to the safest spot possible. We went to the 300 hallway and went to Ms. Pizzo’s room. I was in a group with a couple of my friends, specifically, Lillia Clay (11), Justin Miller (11) from Timberland, and Elektra Lowe (11)."

Shae Earle (10)

"I was at my boyfriend Riley Laws' (12) house and his dog was getting scared in the basement.” 

Mr. Wheeler (Staff)

"I was helping out with the wrestling tournament and all of a sudden you heard 500 people's phones go off with the alert. We had everyone go to the 100 and 300 hallway and people just had to wait until the warning went away. I put the radar up in the cafeteria so people could come out and look at it. It was crazy but we got through it."

Tina O’Mara (12)

"I was already in a basement watching movies and when I got the alert about the tornado I got really scared so I stayed in the basement but I got flashbacks to when a tornado almost hit my house before."

Aliviah Wilburn (10)

"I was at El Maguey and I had to rush home with my parents so we didn’t get caught in the storm it was kind of scary.” 

Kiersten Baumgartner (12)

"I was driving home with my boyfriend and the closest place was my house. We went to my house and took shelter in my basement with my parents and my dog and I was scared out of my mind. We ended up just watching movies to pass the time." 

Dalton Rice (10)

"I was at a church volunteering and a whole bunch of kids got scared and started crying.”

Brooke Ohearn (9)

"I was at my house in the living room watching TV and then the TV got interrupted with the news. The newscaster said there was a tornado in the area, then we heard the sirens and got some weather alerts. We didn’t go to the basement but we watched out the window to make sure everything was good.”

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