submitted by Mrs. Hall
Mrs. Hall wins the Go St. Louis 10K on Oct. 23.
In June 2022, one of Liberty’s most inspirational, full of life teachers decided to go in a new direction. Jacquelyn Hall was a P.E. teacher as well as a coach and worked at the school for six years educating kids about exercise and how to live a healthy life. She decided to pursue her fitness passion as a career.
Mrs. Hall’s new business is called JPH Running. She works as a personal trainer/coach where she helps people who want to better themselves across the U.S. She works both at home and at her brother’s gym Emerge Fitness Training.
Mrs. Hall hasn’t stopped being a part of Liberty though. When she left, the school called her and asked if she wanted to come back. She is a part of the counseling department and is an independent contractor. On Wednesdays and Fridays during Soar time, she runs a yoga class in room 237. Only five kids showed up for the first week but as the weeks went by the numbers started to grow. Mrs. Hall has stated, “Every kid who has come, has come back.”

If you are interested in the class, flyers are posted around the school with the times and the dates. You will have to sign up by scanning the QR code.
Mrs. Hall’s husband, Jonathan Hall, works at Liberty as a teacher. Mr. Hall said that he is “very excited for her” and he could not be more proud of his wife for following her dream.
Mrs. Hall explained thoroughly how much she loves running her new business. She says that it’s a lot of work, but she said, “I’m doing things that I love to do.” She has found a job she can really get into. She really wants to help people in any way she can.
She added on saying, “I will work with them, even for free.” She knows that this is a “long-term goal.” Mrs. Hall is the kind of person that you need when you want to change something about your life.