Keena Boschert
The image students have been greeted with when attempting to access Google Chat.
Google Chat has been seemingly unavailable for some students since the first day on Aug. 19. The question many have been asking is, has it truly been banned? Or is this a glitch? While not every Chromebook has run into this issue, many have found that they can no longer enter the chat function on Gmail.
Not all hope is lost, though, as some students have been able to regain access to Google Chat after restarting and/or powerwashing their chromebook. Restarting it has proven to only work sometimes, whereas powerwashing is proving to be the more effective way to fix this glitch.
In order to powerwash your Chromebook, sign out, then, on the sign in screen, press Ctr Alt, then press Shift R. This should powerwash your Chromebook. Please, note this will delete all your files— so upload them to Google Drive, before powerwashing.
Liberty’s computer technician, Chris Meyer, confirmed that the Google Chat issue is a glitch. Meyer believes that this glitch “has to do with some of the new students, when they have their account set up.” He adds that the students’ accounts might not have “properly transferred to being in high school.” This transfer occurs because middle schoolers do not have the ability to use the chat extension of Google. As they enter high school, the access is granted to them.
As for when this problem will be resolved, Meyer says there is “no sort of ETA.” While it is being worked on, it may take some time for it to be fixed. Students and teachers are currently figuring out temporary solutions to this problem, so that they can stay in contact with clubs and students.
President of Key Club, Loukya Vaka, says it has been “an absolute nightmare.” She went on to explain why Google Chat is necessary for clubs and their inner communication. “If you want to say anything… Google Chat has always been the way to communicate these changes. This has made it difficult to keep everyone in the loop.”
Teacher, Missy Gehrke, the head of Drama Club, has been blindsided by the lack of Google Chat.
“We use Google Chat all the time. We have a lot of moving deadlines, and a lot of things that could change last minute, and it has been the best and most efficient way to get communication out,” Gehrke said. With the fall play underway, she has been struggling to communicate with actors and crew. “It’s been a challenge to make sure that everyone is getting the information that they need efficiently.”
President and Founder of Earth Club Clara Walker says the loss of the application is “really annoying.” She explains that “it’s just more difficult to reach people because I have to type in each individual email address, to get [communication] out to people, and it takes longer.” Walker also worries less people will see or be receptive to her messages, because students rarely check their email. Jonathan Hall, publications adviser, agrees with this, saying, “students answer Google chats more frequently than emails.”
While it’s not the way most thought their school year would start, students and teachers have found creative ways to communicate. From Walker’s blast email, to Gehrke’s’ Google classroom announcements, staff and students are working around this glitch.