LHS Publications
For every snow day Wentzville has, there is an extra day added on to the schedule. With no snow days, the last day of school is on May 25.
Most would people would say school being cancelled was the best news they have heard. Being able to sleep in and do nothing sounds amazing and adding that it’s a weekday is even better.
However, when you start to think about it, are snow days really all that? You still end up waking up early due to your alarm clock, and you can’t do much on a snow day anyway. You can’t leave your house due to the snow and after about 12 p.m., you’ve watched all the Youtube videos you are interested in and you start to get bored. Now snow days aren’t sounding as good as you initially thought are they?
School being cancelled means not having to go into school and falling asleep in class from the lack of sleep you got the night before. However, it also means that we will have to make that day up and as a result we would be in school for longer. I would rather have school that day instead of having to make it up. I personally want to be out of school as fast as I can, so I can get to horse shows faster and start traveling. I don’t want to spend my supposed to be first couple weeks of summer in school because of days I had off in the winter. Most of the people I know have things planned for right after school ends and having to change that can be a mess. Most likely you had homework due that next day and you had spent a lot of the night trying to finish it and after all that work you don’t have to turn it in.
Most of the time the forecast can be really wrong and sometimes it can say it’s going to snow 3 feet, but ends up being 3 inches. You would end up having no school for no reason and then have to make it up when everyone is dying to get out of school. Everyone by the end of the year is so sick of school, even the teachers.
That’s why I think it would be better to just stay in school as much as we can during the winter. Having our break taken away from us because of some white fluff is unreasonable. I know most people would still want snow days no matter what, and they’re not going to give that up. However, don’t you want your summer?