Ever since people can remember, the Justice League has always been the number one group of heroes. Although some may have liked the new movie, people are starting to have second thoughts.
In this OK movie, the superheros known as Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash, and Superman, come together and face an enemy like never before.
The fighting was not as good and you could really tell that it was fake. Some parts of the movie had good fighting parts in it but most of all it was horrible. The movie also did not flow that well and it was very predictable.
For example, everyone saw Superman coming back. Everyone. Other parts were over dramatic and there was not a lot of laughter in the movie. Plus, it was missing some key Justice League characters that should have been in the movie.
What happened to the Green Lantern or the Martian Manhunter, how about at least Shazam? If these characters were in the movie, it would have made it so much better. We want more people. They also should have made it not so predictable. Although it is an action movie and not a mystery, they could have added a little something. There a three parts to every story, the beginning, the middle, and the twist. If they had put some type of twist, it would have been much better.
There was one very good part to the movie; the little extra clip that gets you ready for the next movie. That was actually pretty good. But they needed more of that throughout the entire movie, not just the end of it. They also could have chose a better person to play the Flash. Ezra Miller had his funny moments, but he did not play the flash as people know him to be.
So again, it was not horrible, but it was far from the best Justice League movie to be see. In some people’s opinion, the Batman vs. Superman was better than the Justice League movie. Even Wonder Woman was better. Hopefully, the next Justice League movie will not be as bad. Hopefully, we are able to get more superheroes in the movie. And hopefully it will have all the plots and twist that we demand to make justice league the number one group of superheroes.