Barbara Rodrigues comes from Brazil to learn more about America. (Sruthi Ramesh)
Barbara Rodrigues comes from Brazil to learn more about America.

Sruthi Ramesh

LHS Hosts Exchange Student From Brazil

Student plans on spending three months in the U.S.

September 16, 2019

Have you ever wanted to go to another country for a while to learn about it? For Barbara Rodrigues De Jesus, that’s exactly what she did. 

Rodrigues comes from São Paulo, Brazil and is our new and only foreign exchange student this year. So far she has decided to stay here in the U.S. for three months until she heads back to Brazil.

When asked about any differences she noticed between her school back in Brazil and here at LHS, she said that so far she sees few differences and likes both schools a lot. She says has enjoyed her experience here so far. Her main goal here in the U.S. is to learn English.

“I just want to talk to people and learn about America,” De Jesus said.

The first thing she noticed different from life here compared to Brazil is that we stay at school for lunch while back in Brazil school ends mid-day to go home to your family and eat lunch there. 

Barbara is a student in Ms. Vo’s art class this semester. 

“She is a kind and hardworking student,” Ms. Vo said. “She’s very optimistic and never afraid to ask for help in class.”

The surprising thing is that the U.S. was not her first choice as an exchange student. She originally wanted to go to Australia but that didn’t work out so she came to the U.S. 

For all of you wondering, no, she does not live near the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. So far things are looking good for Barbara Rodrigues De Jesus here in the U.S.

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