New Club Teaches Safe Driving Skills
The STL Teens On Course Club, sponsored by Ms. Kleiber, teaches kids about vehicle safety and maintenance. Kleiber has teamed up with junior Katherina Schnardthrost, to help students learn how to drive in different conditions. Their first meeting was on September 16, in room 445.
Schnardthrost’s club will teach you what to do when you hydroplane, spin out, get a flat tire, or need to use jumper cables. This is all hands-on learning, which is something most Drivers Ed classes can’t provide their students.
“We’ve blended these groups together,” Kleiber said. “There are clubs outside of school where they can do that.”

The Sports Car Club of America, or SCCA, is an organization that Schnardthorst is affiliated with. It was running last year but was not affiliated with Liberty until now. During COVID-19, SCCA had a few setbacks including, no co-drivers (not in the household), canceled events, masks when within 6 feet, and a later start to the season.
This activity can be both a competitive sport and a recreational activity, depending on how comfortable you feel.
Schnardthorst got into autocross because of her family. Autocross is actually how her mom and stepdad met. She has done both competitive and recreational autocross and has even won fourth place in a competition. Her goal this year is to win second place with her mom, who is in the running for first place for her division.

To join these clubs, no driving experience is needed, no car, and not even a permit. In the beginning, you will not be driving in a car. This club teaches life-long driving skills.
If you would like to know more about the STL Teens On Course Club, feel free to ask Katherina Schnardthorst or visit Ms. Kleiber’s room, 445.
New To Liberty: Tabletop And E-Sports Clubs
Games, snacks and new friendships. What more would you want out of a club?
Mrs. Tarrant-Oliphant (T.O.) decided to start a tabletop game club that’s student driven and that makes school somewhat more enjoyable.
“We are playing primarily role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons,” Ms. T.O. said. “But, we welcome anybody who just wants to play games after school and get together with friends.”
They have other games such as Sorry, Uno, Connect 4, Operation, any card game that you want to play- but most people are playing D&D. They meet after school from 2:30- 3:30 p.m. on Mondays in room 210 where snacks are provided for anyone who decides to come.

Freshman Jack Towns spoke about his experience so far while participating in tabletop games. He explains how he is enjoying “interacting with different kinds of people” while at the same time being able to participate in a hobby he enjoys.
“I love playing Dungeons and Dragons,” Towns said. “I just started playing and getting the campaign of it actually and it’s really fun.” We also discussed how having tabletop makes coming to school a more enjoyable experience and gives him and other students something to look forward to.
eSports Club To Make Its Debut Soon
Wouldn’t it be a life-changing experience to gain scholarships or even job offers for just playing video games? Well, this could be your chance. Math teacher Mr. Leonard is creating a new and upcoming club called eSports.

Esports is still in the works, but will be a club where you can play games like Rocket League, Overwatch, Valerian is growing, and League of Legends and Smash Bros after school. Leonard says that once he gets the club up and running, that he wants to start making teams for people to play at a professional level.
He would like to get school teams, “just like any other sports and have tryouts that will play against other teams in the state.” He adds, “there are state championships, in which this year will be held at the Science Center.” If he is able to get players who are skilled enough to be at the college level, they just might be able to compete.
Mr. Leonard has some first-hand experience playing eSports.
“I played League of Legends at the college level, at Mizzou,” he said. “And then when I got here, it started to get big in Missouri as I was leaving. Colleges in our state are some of the best in the country at eSports and they give really good scholarships and job opportunities. So I was really surprised when I didn’t have one when I got here, so that’s why I want to start it.”
While Mr. Leonard is the main contributor to eSports, Ms. T.O. is helping, but in her words she says, “he’s the brain, I’m just the team mom who brings snacks.”