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Theater Family Grows and Changes as the Year Comes to an End

LHS Theater celebrates their newest members, seniors and everyone in between at the annual Thespian Induction Ceremony and Senior Night
The 2023-2024 theater executive board poses for one of their last official photos of the year. Everyone on the board is incredibly proud of what they've accomplished this year and can't wait to see what's in store for the next.
The 2023-2024 theater executive board poses for one of their last official photos of the year. Everyone on the board is incredibly proud of what they’ve accomplished this year and can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next.
Meghan Lynch

High school is often looked at as a place and time to find where you fit. It’s where you start to figure out your passions, your goals, and yourself. After their annual Thespian Induction Ceremony and Senior Night, it’s very clear that the theater department isn’t just a group of students who perform and work together, it’s a community of dedicated individuals.

On the night of May 7, a total of 24 students were inducted into the International Thespian Society, Troupe 8211. One of these new members, sophomore Sophia Spakowski, expressed how much she enjoyed the ceremony.

“Being inducted is exciting. It’s nice to officially be a part of our troupe and have a place instead of feeling like a random person that’s just there,” she said.

After the new inductees had lined up on stage in front of all their friends and family, senior and executive board member Madeline Claravall had them recite the thespian pledge, in which the students pledged to support and pursue the arts throughout their entire lives.

“The pledge, to me, is a forever commitment to theater,” Spakowski said. “It’s a promise to always enjoy the art form and remember what made me enjoy what I do.”

The end-of-year theater celebration is special to many club members for many reasons. “The best part is feeling like we’re one large family,” Sophia Spakowski (10) said. (Meghan Lynch)


To finish out the induction of new members to Troupe 8211, senior Madeline Claravall recited the Troupe’s motto, “Act well your part. There, all the honor lies.” This quote comes from the English poet Alexander Pope’s “Essay on Man,” and according to sophomore and executive board member Mak Barnes, “Alexander Pope emphasizes the importance of character and responsibility. It suggests that regardless of our circumstances, we have the power to choose our actions and conduct ourselves with honor and integrity.”

In theater, one of the events that many, if not all, members look forward to is the senior shoe ceremony. Every year, the seniors hand down a glittery baby shoe to a freshman, sophomore, or junior member of theater as a way to recognize and support them. These shoes hold a special place in member’s hearts because they had once been handed down to the current seniors by a senior from previous years. It serves as a chance for seniors to honor the alumni’ legacies. Not only that, but it’s also a way for seniors to express their own gratitude and say goodbye. “Considering that I’ve only been in theater for one year, it just means a lot that I got to interact with such a positive environment,” said senior Leilani Green. “I’m really happy that this is how I’m going out.” 

Every part of this event, whether it be welcoming new members or saying goodbye to old ones, is rooted in tradition. Traditions large and small can have an immense impact on the people involved, and that remains true within the LHS theater department. Spakowski explained, “Having traditions brings you back to where you started. It shows what you were at the beginning and where you are now.” She and Barnes also mentioned that traditions can create fond memories and comforting moments. As the LHS theater department grows, its members all look forward to the new memories they’ll create and the new relationships they’ll experience.  

About the Contributor
Meghan Lynch
Meghan Lynch, Editor-in-Chief of the Ledger
Meghan Lynch is a junior at LHS and this is her third year in publications. Lynch is the  co-Editor-In-Chief of the Ledger magazine and she is looking forward to a fun and productive year with her staff. She’s involved in NHS, Model United Nations, and is co-founder of Liberty’s Students Demand Action chapter. In her free time, Lynch enjoys watching movies, hanging out with friends, and reading new books.