Teachers Enjoy an Extended Version of Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week is dedicated to the non-stop hard work teachers have to put through to make sure students excel
Teachers Mr. and Mrs. McMillen enjoy ice cream from LuLus Ice cream truck during teacher appreciation week.
Teachers Mr. and Mrs. McMillen enjoy ice cream from LuLu’s Ice cream truck during teacher appreciation week.
LHS Publications

Teacher Appreciation Week is a week during May 6-10 every year to recognize the efforts of teachers across the country.

In 1953 former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was able to implement a day for educators through congress as they needed to be appreciated for their hard and dedicated work. Teachers are often overlooked and underappreciated, students not realizing just how important they truly are. 

Mrs. Muench, business teacher, interacts with one of her students on a shoebox project. (Caitlin McDonnell)

Assistant principal Dr. Kiely has made sure the teachers are seen and appreciated for the work they  do.

 “she stretches it into two (weeks). It helps make me feel seen and appreciated,” Melissa Gehrke said.

Many teachers enjoy these two weeks that Dr. Kiely stretches out for the teachers especially during this time in the school year.

“I think it’s one of those things where unless you are a teacher, you don’t know what it’s like.”

— Mrs. Robinson

“I think that the administration does a really good job on not only the actual week of Teacher Appreciation Week but they always kind of do something beforehand that’s kind of unique to Liberty,” PNPS and forensic science teacher Ashley Robinson stated.

Making sure teachers have this outlet during this time of the year is important. Many of the students are checked out with the year at this point making it difficult for teachers to teach and do their job.

“We put up with a lot of attitude, especially this time of year. We are ready for summer, and the teenagers we work with are often less understanding about these things. About this time of year, we need to feel appreciated,” English I and II teacher Bradley Smith said. 

Teachers need this support system that they may not always have or feel like they have.

Many students don’t know or acknowledge the fact of Teacher Appreciation Week and usually overlook the difficulties teachers face throughout the year, acknowledging the efforts teachers have to put in would make it a little more tolerable for the teachers.

Teacher Appreciation Week creates a festive feel even during this hectic end of the year. Remember to always appreciate your teachers no matter the week.

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About the Contributors
Phoenix Egeler
Phoenix Egeler, Reporter
Phoenix Egeler is in their third year of publications, in their junior year. They’ve written multiple articles and produced/edited multiple videos. They are one of the co-founders of the game show “Power Play.” They’re also a big horror movie and TV show fan. They love “Scream”, “The Black Phone”, and “American Horror Stories.” They can also play three instruments which include piano, clarinet, and flute. They’re also a big heavy metal and rock fan.

Caitlin McDonnell
Caitlin McDonnell, Reporter
Caitlin McDonnell is a junior and this her first year in journalism. She loves photography and graphic design as well as writing stories. Outside of school she works at a retail store, Maurices, where she helps many different people with fashion. In the summer she works as a lifeguard at Twin Chimneys Pool. During her free time she loves hanging out with friends and family, reading, and taking many photos of nature and people. When she graduates she wants to be a photographer for various events. She hopes to succeed in journalism and learn more about photography for the future.

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