Seniors Say Goodbye at Annual Bridge Walk

The senior bridge walk ceremony is an emotional and sentimental event for parents, teachers, and especially students
Seniors show their excitement as they walk across the bridge one last time.
Seniors show their excitement as they walk across the bridge one last time.
Lilly Brown
The Senior Bridge Walk is a yearly tradition for all the graduating seniors to make their final walk away from Liberty. This event took place on Friday, May 24 and we were able to capture the last school event that The Class of 2025 is apart of.

The class of 2024 has finally made it to the end of their senior year.

On May. 24 they took part in the annual senior bridge walk ceremony. Every single senior got to walk out of the school, laughing and connecting with their friends one last time as high school students. Parents and teachers alike clapped and cheered for each and every student, congratulating them on this huge milestone.

“I think it’s cool that we walked in on the bridge our first year and now we get to walk out on it,” senior Maddie Kuhn said.

The senior bridge walk is an event full of emotion.

“I’m a very sentimental person, so I’m already in my feels about this, but I think it’s a beautiful close,” senior Imane Larhdiri said.

Many others would agree that the whole point of the senior bridge walk is to have a chance to close out one’s high school career in a special way.

Senior Sydney Davis had a lot to say about how special this moment was to her. As someone who started high school during COVID Davis and the class of 2024 had a very different experience than previous students. Davis didn’t even get to walk the bridge her freshman year, instead participating in the ceremony during her sophomore year with the class of 2025. Even so, Davis still understands the significance of the bridge walk.

“Today didn’t really feel like my last day of school, but when I walk that bridge and realize I’m not going back into that building again, it’ll fill me with joy knowing that I finished my senior year,” Davis said.

The bridge walk is also a way for seniors to look back and appreciate what they have learned throughout their high school careers.

Senior Santosh Manikandan said, “To wait. To be patient and wait.” While that’s probably not what most high school students want to hear, Manikandan felt that he should pass on a little advice from his high school years. Larhdiri and Davis had a lot to share about what they learned from high school, too. Davis explained how she liked watching both herself and others “grow and change” over the years, while Larhdiri said, “I’ve learned to always live life to the fullest.”
All in all, any ending has both its pros and its cons, and the same can be said about the end of senior year.

“I think it’s a bittersweet end because I’m excited for what the future holds and college and whatever’s next in my life, but it’s also sad saying goodbye to my friends, my teachers, and the school I’ve known for four years,” Larhdiri said.

The class of 2024 has crossed so many milestones and achieved so many things, and as they say goodbye to this era of their lives, they look back on their friends and all the memories they’ve made. After all their hard work it seems these seniors have a bright future ahead of them.

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About the Contributors
Meghan Lynch
Meghan Lynch, Reporter
Meghan Lynch is a sophomore at and this is her second year in publications. Alongside publications, Meghan is on tech crew for Liberty’s theater program and has helped with many productions in the past. In her free time, she likes to read, watch TV, and hang out with her friends. In the future, she hopes to be a journalist at someplace like the Washington Post or the New York Times.
Braden Altrup
Braden Altrup, Entertainment Editor of Broadcast Media
Braden Altrup is a Junior and is the Entertainment Producer for the Broadcast team. He has been editing video since he was 10 years old and earned 5 awards from video contests across the country. He was on the Liberty soccer team for his first 2 years of school, but then focused more on his videos and helping run the Broadcast class. He works for his step-father installing car stereos and speakers into cars, and is into drifting/building cars in his free time.

Parker Sethaler
Parker Sethaler, Reporter
Parker Sethaler is a junior and this is his third year in publications. Parker excels in filming and editing videos, most of them being on the publications Youtube channel. Aside from making videos, Parker also loves to listen to music, specifically rap and hip-hop. Out of school, he likes to play on his Xbox and hang out with friends. He currently works at Gymquarters Gymnastics Center, as a coach. Parker hopes to work on the sideline of sports games in the future.

Will Bohn
Will Bohn, Reporter
Will Bohn is a sophomore and is in his first year doing journalism and is also in his second year of publications. His first year of publication he only did the broadcast for the football games but this year is planning on doing more. He hopes publications can improve his skill in video editing and hopefully take it to a more professional approach. Some of his favorite hobbies are listening to music, playing video games, and video editing.
Lilly Brown
Lilly Brown, Assistant Online Editor and Social Media Manager
Lilly Brown is the assistant editor of and the social media manager. This is her second year in publications and in her junior year. She is also part of the swim team. After high school, Lilly plans on studying in digital marketing and eventually becoming a social media manager. Outside of school, you can find Lilly reading, hanging out with friends, going to the gym, shopping, or at work at the Renaud Center!

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