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Freshmen enter the assembly after the bridge walk on the first day of school.
Freshmen enter the assembly after the bridge walk on the first day of school.
Lilly Brown

The First Week for Freshman

With many new students added to our school, we had to ask – how was their first impression?

The class of 2028 has made its first venture into high school.

We wondered how they are faring – do they struggle, or thrive? Is it as they expected, or quite different?

Here, we have gathered the thoughts and opinions of the incoming freshmen about their first week of school. What do they think of the traditional bridge walk? Their classes, teachers? 

Abigail Wagner claps at the first assembly of the school year. (Caitlin McDonnell)

While Abigail Wagner had been feeling anxious about coming to Liberty, the morning of the first day of school, that had all washed away.

Wagner got turned around by the school’s layout, but quickly found her way around. Her favorite teacher is Mr. Purcell, as she described his class as very welcoming to students who may not be the best at math, and he reassured students that that is okay. Wagner walked into this school not knowing much, though the more she learned about the traditions, other Liberty staff, and students, the more comfortable she was.

As a freshman coming into a new school, it can be confusing but Wagner shares her piece of advice

“At most, I’m gonna say… don’t strive to pass, but if you’re trying your best, and you get, like a C? That’s okay,”

Subisha Sankar plays the flute at band camp. (Miss Donohue)

Subisha Sankar first met the upperclassmen before school had even started, in band camp.

Sankar had been quite nervous, but everyone was friendly, approachable, and incredibly helpful.

When navigating the hallways, it was not as difficult as she’d expected, but still occasionally has to ask for help. Sankar soon realized that high school was nothing like it had been portrayed in the movies, and the people here made her feel safer than in past years. Her favorite teachers are Schaper and Burgner.

 “If I was a teacher, she would be me.” Sankar said.

Sankar aspires to have a good reputation and reminds others to wear deodorant!

Hannah Albregts smiles for the camera in her class.

In the very first week of school, Hannah Albregts was already adopted into a large friend group. This has allowed her to get advice and support from older students who know what’s going on, which was a comfort.

Albregts was a bit scared to come to high school, as many are. Albregts is in GSA, HOSA, and Key Club.

Albregts favorite class is Principles of Biomedical Sciences, as it is very hands-on, and her favorite teacher is Schomburg. As Albregts gets to play fun games like Booklet. Albregts is most excited for homecoming, and getting more opportunities to spend time with her friends.

Albregts  had one thing to say about the bridge walk: “It was hot as (fiddlesticks) outside,”

Jason Hinckley plays multiple instruments at band camp. (Ms. Donohue)

When Jason Hinckley was asked what his favorite teacher or class was, he responded with “All of them.”

While, like most other freshmen, Hinckley was nervous about high school, but quickly adapted.

One of his main challenges was his fear of not being accepted.

Hinckley is on the defensive line on the football team, though he struggles a bit to balance it with school and band. He describes the team as a good community full of nice people.

“Whenever things get tough, don’t back out, don’t quit, keep going,” Hinckley said.. 

About the Contributors
Lexi Hufty
Lexi Hufty, Reporter
Lexi Hufty is a sophomore in her second year of publications. She loves to read and write, and hopes these will help her write amazing news. You can often find her with a book (or two) in hand. She is also on the swim team and is co-president of Garden Club. Outside of school, she is often gaming with her sister. 

Sage Kennedy
Sage Kennedy, Reporter
Sage Kennedy is a sophomore, and this is her first year in publications. She is very excited to be able to have a role in magazine and is wishing for a good year. Going into this sophomore year she hopes to grow as a writer and find more in her creative area and explore outside her comfort zone with other writing styles or topics. Sage is normally seen around the school but she loves to spend her time in the choir room with Mr. Datz, where she is in the treble select choir. In other places you will find Sage either in the commons area or sometimes in the library during lunch. Sage hopes to become a therapist and take classes at City University of London, but she has other options on the side like a tattoo artist or even a writer. 
Lilly Brown
Lilly Brown, Editor-in-Chief of The Talon
Lilly Brown is a senior, and is the editor-in-chief of the Talon yearbook as well as the social media manager for LHS Publications. This is her third year in publications and her second year as an editor. Lilly is also a part of girls swim, NHS, and Link Crew. Lilly also works at the Renaud outside of school as a gym attendant and front desk worker. In her free time she enjoys going to the gym, reading, puzzling, and playing Sims. Lilly plans on attending State Technical College of Missouri and pursuing a Digital Marketing degree after graduation.
Caitlin McDonnell
Caitlin McDonnell, Photo Editor
Caitlin McDonnell is a senior, and this will be her second year in Publications. Caitlin is the Talon’s Yearbook Photo Editor and is excited to help other photographers grow while also growing herself. Caitlin likes taking pictures of her friends, portraits, sports, theater, and other school events. She also enjoys reading and hanging out with friends. Caitlin is looking forward to a fun senior year full of many memories.