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Multiverse of Mental Health

How mental health affects our lives on a daily basis
Mandy Nolan, who is a Family Advocacy and Community Training worker, and TIna Meier, who founded the Megan Meier Foundation, helped to bring awareness to cyberbullying, bullying, and suicide at a F.A.C.T event earlier this month.
Mandy Nolan, who is a Family Advocacy and Community Training worker, and TIna Meier, who founded the Megan Meier Foundation, helped to bring awareness to cyberbullying, bullying, and suicide at a F.A.C.T event earlier this month.
Zane Lovis

Mental health has a big impact on many people, but let’s take a deeper dive on how it not only impacts our outside lives but also our work lives.

Research states that about 4 in 10 students felt hopeless; it’s also stated through research that ⅓ of the students have poor mental health. 

Mental health is the physiological and emotional well being. Many diagnoses can and are qualified as mental health or mental illness.

My experience with mental health is huge, I have many diagnoses that affect my mental state, which affects my physical well being as well. I have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) about eight years ago. It has been a struggle to do my daily activities, and live a “normal” life. As others may think, it’s easy to take care of themself, it could be harder for others to do so.

“Mental health struggles are a lot more common than most people realize,” Bre Chenault said.

As Chenault struggles with generalized anxiety disorder, it sometimes makes her work life harder. As she gets very overwhelmed by a crowd of people or noise, she’s also learned how to help herself with these struggles.

She has fidgets and has made rules for her classroom, not only to help herself but others as well. As everyone just see’s the bad of mental health, Chenault thinks there’s also good behind mental health, “to help become more self aware and improve relationships.”

Matthew Barker also thinks there’s good to mental health. “Every brain is beautiful and different,” Barker said.

Even though Barker isn’t diagnosed with any disorders, he has a lot of close family that does struggle with mental health disorders. 

As mental health has the positives to it, it also has negatives as well.  Tina Meier had to go through the bads of mental health.

Meier’s daughter, Megan, had tragically taken her own life, due to bullying and harassment of others. As she was only 13 years old, Megan was bullied from third grade to middle school. She was bullied about her weight and how she looked as well.

Meier created The Megan Meier Foundation to help bring awareness to bullying, cyberbullying and suicide. 

Bullying is a big part of why people have poor mental health, as I have been bullied from preschool to now. I have poor self esteem and a poor mental mindset.

As many people pick a permanent solution to a problem that could possibly be fixed, bringing awareness to these sorts of things so we can make sure people don’t feel alone.

If we bring awareness to mental health issues, people won’t feel alone and might even reach out to a therapist or a trusted person.

If you feel like this please don’t be afraid to reach out to a trusted adult or call or text 9-8-8

About the Contributor
Zane Lovis
Zane Lovis, Reporter
Zane Lovis is a junior and this is her first year taking intro to journalism. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music. She also enormously enjoys photography, she enjoys taking pictures of the sky. She also enjoys talking to her friends and can talk for hours.