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Can I Tell You a Secret?

Drama Club prepares for their annual fall play with a unique twist
Drama Club's unique advertising for their fall play which was showcased on their Instagram.
Drama Club’s unique advertising for their fall play which was showcased on their Instagram.
submitted by LHS Drama Club

The drama club has recently been working on preparing for their fall play, with a very unique twist: The identity of the play is unknown.

Unlike previous shows, the name and premise of the play will be kept completely anonymous until the nights of the October 24-26 which are the show nights. This secret is creating a unique experience leading up to the nights of the show for cast and crew members alike.

Publicity crew assistant crew head Olivia Cain (11) speaks on the unique circumstances of the unnamed play.

“One of the difficulties I guess would be finding ideas on what we can advertise about, because as well as Publicity not being able to reveal the name of the play. We can’t advertise using much of the plot either. So, the Publicity Crew is trying to advertise using elements and themes of the play that don’t give away the plot and title,” Cain said.

The mystery of the play isn’t the only unique aspect of this show. The timing of the show, (being in October instead of November) is also unique.

“The less prep time for this show has definitely quickened the timeline in which things normally happen,” Cain said.

Cast member Sebastian Tabers (11) explains how this particular play has differed from shows he’s worked on in the past.

“It’s been very different because we’ve had a shorter deadline because it’s going to be in October this year, so that’s been really hard to memorize lines faster, and it’s also just been a different show where I feel like there’s more characters, so you have more character interactions with other people,” Tabers said.

Cast member Tyler Bugg (11) speaks on the challenges of working on a mystery show from the perspective of an actor.

“While it’s not unknown to me, it’s supposed to remain unknown to everyone else. So advertising is obviously a little bit of a different stance. They´ll always ask, “well, what show is it?” And I have to say “Well, I can’t tell you,” Bugg said.

About the Contributor
Josh Deters
Josh Deters, Reporter
Josh Deters is a senior and in his second year of publications. After school, he enjoys participating in drama club, both as an actor and in tech crew. He also enjoys hanging out with his cats after school. His favorite school subjects are history and English. After high school, he hopes to go to Mizzou.