Wondering why the gym was closed for a week? What caused P.E. classes not to participate in the gym and why there was no open gym during Soar time?
Over the past few weeks the gymnasium has reopened after being closed for a week due to construction.
Some may have noticed and some may not but the schools administration closed the gym the weekend after Labor Day Tuesday, Sept. 3 and it was reopened a week later Sept. 10.
When the gym was closed, construction crews were working on a new sound system for the gym that will help produce better sound at sporting games. The original sound system needed an upgrade; it wasn’t working well and the sound quality needed improvement.
One administrator who implemented this new sound system change was activities director Cary Eldredge.
“They have been planning to change the sound system since last spring in April or May,” Eldredge said.
To fix it, they went up to the sound system in the gym and re-plugged in some wiring and did some fine tuning and added a couple of switches.
To get this sound system done, they used a company called Tech Electronics that fixed and built the new sound system that is now working and in the gym.

The reason this new sound system is so efficient is because it can be used for good background music, but also you can really crank it up if you need to for things like games and events in the gym.
The new system has already been used for a volleyball game. “It sounds so much better,” P.E. teacher Dan Wheeler said. “Just the couple of differences made it so much more clear for the games.”
The new sound system in the gym will be a great new addition to the gym for all the different sport games that will be played in the gym including volleyball, wrestling and basketball. It will help make students more hyped for games and players more excited to play.