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Hadestown: An ‘Epic’ Spring Musical

The first look into Drama Club’s spring musical ‘Hadestown: Teen Edition’
The music and word scripts of "Hadestown: Teen Edition."
The music and word scripts of “Hadestown: Teen Edition.”
Marley Higlen

“We’re gonna sing it again.” – Hadestown ‘Road to Hell’

Drama Club was livin’ it up on top as they had their read through and very first meeting as the cast of “Hadestown: Teen Edition” on Nov. 21.

“When we started ‘Road to Hell’ my skin was tingly […] it feels like something really special is gonna happen with this cast,” Sofie Shreve (10) said. 

Members of Drama Club and the cast of Hadestown: Teen Edition right before the read through.

Hadestown means so much in its own way to Drama Clubs cast and crew. This spring, Liberty Drama Club gets to be in the first round of schools to get the rights to Hadestown.

Hadestown is a retelling of the Greek tragedy of Orpheus who will be played by Tyler Bugg (11) and Eurydice who will be played by Mak Barnes (11). 

Orpheus is a poor boy but has hopes and dreams about the unfortunate world they live in and chooses to see the best in what’s around him.

Eurydice is a hungry young girl who has seen the hardships of life and has grown cold to the world because of it.

They find a future in each other’s eyes and fall in love. But, in a world of unfair and demanding gods, they

find themselves apart in two different worlds yearning to get back to one another. The only question is, can their love stand the test of gods and fate itself?

“I think that the main message of Hadestown and the one I’m trying to get across is one of hope, even when it’s unfounded hope that you just keep singing it again, you keep doing it again in hopes that this next time that you do it, it might change things,” Theater director Missy Gehrke said.

If this tale of two lovers and powerful gods sounds thrilling, then follow the railroad line to the Liberty auditorium on April 24-26. 

About the Contributor
Marley Higlen
Marley Higlen, Reporter
Marley Higlen is a dedicated and driven sophomore. This is her second year in publications and she will be the sports writer and reporter for publications this year. Higlen loves being in select treble choir and being on drama clubs exec board. All Higlen hopes for this year is to make a difference in her community whether that’s big or small. Higlen’s older brother moved into collage at the beginning of the school year but that only makes her more determined to not just live up to him but continue to make the impact that he always wanted in this school. Higlen loves to work, fish and travel with family and friends.