HOSA hosted the spring blood drive on Feb. 26, an event they do twice a school year. A lot of work went into setting up this event.
HOSA had to work closely with ImpactLife in order to find a date, a time, and people to work the event.
There was also a bit of advertising. There were posters put up around the school and social media posts, handled by Audrey Keller (12), informing the students about the blood drive. A few of the HOSA members went into the small gym early in the morning to help set up.
HOSA members walked to different teachers’ classes handing out papers which indicated which students were donating blood. They also walked around throughout the day to encourage more walk-ins.
Students ages 16+ were welcome. 16 year olds needed parental permission, but 17 and 18 year olds were welcome to just show up.
“It seems like we got over 70 donors,” Lorelei Wise (11) said. “We had many fewer deferrals than last time, and I think that was in part to us emphasizing the need to have breakfast, drink water, and do everything beforehand.”
When you donate blood, they give you a pamphlet that tells you what to do next. It includes things like how long to rest, how much to drink, and what to do if you experience side effects.
Of the 70 donors, one of them was Bennet Opela (11).
“I’ve known people that have had blood issues. Just being able to give something, and being able to help them out, it’s a huge thing for me,” Opela said.
Another donor was Annalisa Segura (11).
“I just wanted to give blood, and help out,” Segura said. “Everyone has blood, so if you can give it, give it.”
Overall, the blood drive was a success. There were 70 donors, and all the blood came to a total of 58 units.