Students Get Served
StuCo puts on volleyball tournament and the teachers take home first place
Student Council puts on annual volleyball tournament to raise money for future events.
November 5, 2018
Student Council (StuCo) hosted their annual volleyball tournament on Oct. 24 to raise money for future events.
There was a lot of pre planning that took place before hand to get ready for the tournament. They started planning for the tournament directly after homecoming. The chair was Abbey Brzycki and there were also tasks delegated out to each member.
Teams of six were made and then teams created a name for their team. After that, if they wanted they could design shirts or costumes to represent their team. It didn’t have to be anything fancy or over the top.
Sophomores Hannah Behlmann, Abby Heinemann, Kendall Weber, Katie Swanson, Erin Hughey and Mys Suftko made up just one of the many teams that played. Their team name was “Blue.” There was no specific reason behind this name, it was just the first thing that came to their mind.
“It was actually ironic that our team name was blue because our team wore all white. We just wanted to keep it simple and have some humor behind it,” sophomore Kendall Weber said.
When it came time for the tournament, it was set up to where if you won you moved to the next bracket, and were able to continue to play. If you lost, your team was out.
The team Blue won their first match and then won their second match against ASC. When it came time to play their third match against the Student Council (StuCo) boys, they lost.
“I was happy with how we played,” sophomore Mya Suftko said. “We all thought we were going to lose to the soccer team but we played strong and ended up beating them. It was so much fun and I loved being competitive with it.”
A group of teachers also made a team, and they ended up being the team that won. The team included Gault, Holmes, Keily, LaBrot, Luedecke, McFarland and Schaper.
At the end of the tournament, it was announced that the team of teachers took first place.
“I was really happy with how our team played and I was excited when we won,” Mrs. McFarland said.
Not only did the teams play volleyball, but there was also a costume contest for the most creative team. The team that came in second place, also won the costume contest. The team that won this contest was named, “The Tropics.”
Student Council (StuCo) is very happy with the turnout of the tournament.
“We loved all the creative costumes and we appreciate all the teams that participated this year,” senior Megan Maetten said.
In the future, Student Council (StuCo) hopes to continue to make the tournament even bigger and better and continue to raise money for future events that they put on.