From Start To Finish
Being a part of publications for four year made me realize life lessons
Photo provided by Jessica Gibson
Jessica Gibson (left) and her friend of 15 years, Timberland senior Emerson Cicotte, graduated on June 2 at St. Charles Family Arena.
June 12, 2019
Going into high school absolutely terrified me. Eighth grade I had my group of friends and didn’t speak to anyone outside that group. When it was time to choose classes, I tried picking the same classes as most of my friends, but I didn’t want to be a doctor or go into the medical field, so taking PBS had no benefit to me personally. I loved writing at the time and at the time thought about going into some type of English major. Journalism and English ended up being my favorite classes, and definitely not science. All of my friends at the time were also into cross country and track. Running was definitely not my thing and still isn’t to this day. At the time I wanted to be involved so I tried out for volleyball. I knew absolutely no one at tryouts and it was the most nerve racking thing I have ever done. In the end, it was the best thing I did.
Throughout the four years, sophomore year was my favorite. I made friends that lasted me till senior year. I really was enjoying high school. The nerves for first day weren’t there and the tears of the last day that year never appeared. Same for the junior year, there was just a lot more stress that year. I was stressed about the grades and senior year. The fact that I had to decide my future by the following year was mind blowing to me. But senior year finally rolled around and it was crazy.

Claudia Wallace (left) and Jessica Gibson show their diplomas after graduating on June 2.
My last year of high school appeared out of nowhere and it flew by faster than I thought. I took my yearbook picture at Trotter and tried on a cap and gown and that was my reality check of how much time in high school was left. I visited three colleges and I found my school. By second semester I had college figured out, and what I hoped to do with my life was somewhat planned. Finals rolled along with passing out yearbooks and it didn’t hit me until the last day of school and I walked across the bridge. There would be no more homecomings, no more proms, no more assemblies or friday night football games. High school is over. I didn’t think I would be upset, and part of me wasn’t. I’m excited for college and my future, but my last day of high school was one of the saddest days of my life. Just knowing that I’ll never be able to go back and experience those events again.
Graduation came and I walked across the stage. I received my diploma and I graduated high school. I honestly never thought this day would come so fast. As high school has come to an end, I realized that yes it’s over, but it has taught me life lessons that I will carry with me throughout the rest of my life. So to all the incoming freshman and graduating seniors, enjoy high school from start to finish. From early morning and late study nights, it’s all apart of the experience. Enjoy it while it lasts because it’ll all be over in a blink of an eye.