A Love For The Game
JV athletes open up about their sports
Beyonca Scruton (10) waits patiently during practice.
September 28, 2019
In high school, students are usually involved in something, whether it be a sport, club or job. But has anyone ever wondered about the kids who manage to be involved but also can handle the workload of school? Seriously, how do they do it?
Well, sadly, there is no magic secret, but rather just a love for what they do.
Three students – freshman Hailey Buckley, sophomore Beyonca Scruton and junior Zane McCulloch – are all prime examples of the student athletes we have here. Buckley is on the JV volleyball team, Scruton is on the JV tennis team, and McCulloch is on the JV soccer team.

Zane McCulloch (11) attempts to get the ball away from an opposing player.
How long have you been playing?
Buckley: Seven to eight years
Scruton: One year
McCulloch: Nine years
Why did you start playing?
Buckley: “My sister started playing volleyball in fourth grade so I started playing volleyball in fourth grade.”
Scruton: “I recently quit gymnastics and I wanted to do something fun and my friends were doing it so I just decided to join.”
McCulloch: “I’ve been playing it ever since I was little so I just decided to try it out in high school.”
What is something you do that is a part of your gameday routine?
Buckley: “We do this mental strengthening activity where we just sit there for 10 minutes in the quiet and picture what our best day of volleyball was and, Herkenhoff, our coach does this every day or at least once a week at practice.”
Scruton: “We stretch, serve and go back and forth hitting.”
McCulloch: “We run a lap and do a lot of stretching.”
Is it hard balancing school and sports?
Buckley: “Not really, considering that I am a freshman I don’t really have that much homework so usually I get home from practice and do my homework.”
Scruton: “Nope.”
McCulloch: “Honestly it’s difficult, but manageable.”

Hailey Buckley (9) jumps in the air in elation after an exciting victory.
What is one moment you will never forget?
Buckley: “A girl on my team hit the ball with one arm, it was just really intense. She just dove on the ground and hit it and then I had to get on the ground and hit it with one arm.”
Scruton: “The first time I won a match.”
McCulloch: “Last year we went on a soccer trip and my nails were getting way too long so I went to this salon and my nails looked perfect for like five bucks.”
Every student has a story. Some have been shared, others have yet to be. If there is one thing these students all have in common, it is not the ability on how they play their sports but the passion they have that pushes them each day over and over again.