Two Freshman Perspectives, on How Life's Been

Unexpected Festivities

submitted by Anna Mecker
Five cars were lined up around Mecker’s house to wish her a happy birthday.

Quarantine probably isn’t where you expect to celebrate yourself on your birthday in 2020.  With social distancing measures that have been enforced by the government, freshman Anna Mecker found another way to celebrate her birthday with friends and family in a creative way.  

Finding different ways to have fun on your birthday under quarantine is a little bit challenging. Mecker says “Some positives of having a birthday during this time was I was able to go to a really cool park that I would not have been able to go to if we had school.” 

One the most popular festivities that a lot of people in the past weeks have done for birthdays are birthday parades. This consists of friends driving by, honking, and lots of balloons and signs all for the birthday. Mecker had a drive-by with five cars and six different people to come and celebrate her.

Even though everyone continues to social distance, a birthday parade brings joy and makes someone feel very special. 

Mecker says, “It was just as special as a non-quarantine birthday because I still got to hang out with my family and I still got to see my friends but not too close.” 

Not only did Mecker have a birthday parade, but she was able to talk to her friends over a zoom call. Mecker also dropped off small gifts to her friends on her birthday, which has been another common thing that people have been doing to tell their friends that they care and miss you.

Despite the circumstances, Mecker was able to turn her birthday around and make it one special day.

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Making The Best Out Of Quarantine

Grayce Page with her little brother Milo.

Grayce Page is a freshman at Liberty who is making the most of her situation by spending time with her family. Page’s days usually consist of watching her 11-month-old little brother, Milo. Many teenagers would see this as a burden but Page has enjoyed getting to spend time with her little brother.

“Milo is my favorite person in the world,” Page said.

She wants her and her brother to have a good relationship as he gets older. She enjoys watching him grow and learn new things. Page is excited to see the person Milo will turn out to be. 

Watching Milo isn’t the only thing Page has accomplished while quarantined. She has taken this time to keep in touch with friends over facetime and social media. 

“It’s important for me to keep in touch with my friends because I would probably go crazy if I didn’t,” Page said.

I think we can all relate to going a little crazy not being able to see our friends during this time. Page’s friends are very important to her and she is very grateful for them. 

When Page is not watching Milo or talking to friends, she is most likely napping. Page has been taking advantage of the extra time we have and using it to get her beauty sleep.

“My favorite thing to do right now is nap,” Page expressed. Many can relate to this with all the extra time we have it is nice to catch up on some sleep. 

Grayce Page has made the best out of this quarantine by connecting with her friends and family and many of us should follow her lead.

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