It’s Not Over Yet
Reminiscing on a peculiarly memorable senior year
May 18, 2020

The expectation of this year certainly didn’t go to plan. However, senior year hasn’t been all bad. There are longtime friendships and memories that have developed through the course of the year.
(Alyssa Bailey)
Just like that, another end to another year. But, the feeling of this senior year ending compared to last year is significantly different. It’s almost bittersweet to reflect on all of the memories and experiences we’ve all endured together; however, this current senior class missed the plentiful opportunities that senior year was supposed to provide us with. Prom, graduation, grad night, senior night – you name it – is an image in everyone’s mind that is rapidly starting to dissipate. While the seniors have been able to experience their last football games, prepare for their first year in college and enjoy high school with their friends, you can’t help but think about the “what ifs” that this last year could’ve brought.
I think it’s safe to say that everyone’s expectations of this year didn’t go exactly as planned; no one could have anticipated the future events that the world is currently facing but it’s in these times that we remember that all of the seniors’ experiences are unique to them and only them.
“I would give my senior year a bold 8/10. There is a lot of negativity that I could focus on regarding the virus taking away the last quarter [of school] but that won’t do me any good,” senior Paige Eikel said. “In my last year of high school, I started to realize what was actually important in my life. I created some of the strongest friendships that I will cherish forever.”
From developing friendships to the heartbreak that the coronavirus has caused, there’s been a cancellation of sports for all athletes and there’s been setbacks regarding the beginning of college, such as orientations. Senior Kevin Lange was looking forward to upcoming events that the school, now, has had to reschedule or cancel.
“I now have to do an online orientation/tour of the college buildings. Due to the cancellation of prom, I am unable to ask out the girl I like, and experience my senior prom with her. Because of the rescheduling of graduation, some families that were planning to come in are unsure if they are able to make it now,” Lange said. “Thankfully, I am not affected by the ACT being canceled but I have friends that are very worried because they are unable to take the test which will help them with college.”
Prom has been the prominent priority for seniors to experience as it’s our last year to make the best of it. It’s one of the moments in high school that no one will ever forget.
“I was really looking forward to prom this year. I didn’t get to go last year and I was wanting to go with my friends. I also wanted to say goodbye to everyone that I probably wouldn’t see outside of school,” senior Alex Casserly said.
The coronavirus has affected everyone’s life some way or another. While the virus can exert its influence on anyone, it primarily targets the elderly as well as those suffering from a chronic illness/disease. Senior year hasn’t been the only affected outcome as a result of this virus, especially for Casserly. Since the initiation of this lockdown, Casserly has been residing at home, never once leaving in hopes to protect his mother’s health.
“My mom has asthma so she is at risk of being impacted the most by coronavirus and I have to stay home every day. It’s definitely been weird going from hanging out [with friends] and going to work to staying home and not doing anything,” Casserly said.
Throughout this unfortunate time, Eikel has not been able to pursue some of her goals and aspirations she set for herself before the year began.
“I wanted to win another district championship with the soccer team, get into a college that was right for me, make my last year of high school memorable, and travel to places I’ve never been before,” Eikel said. “The virus impacted me by taking away my last season playing soccer ever. I had to say goodbye to a sport that I wasn’t ready to part with yet.”
The expectation of this year certainly didn’t go to plan. However, senior year hasn’t been all bad. There are longtime friendships and memories that have developed through the course of the year. We are all going to struggle when it comes time to part with them.
“I think what I’ll miss most is saying goodbye and hugging my friends one last time before we all take our next steps in life. I’m going to miss all the peers that I basically grew up with over the years,” Eikel said.
With summer abruptly approaching, we’re all hoping to have the opportunity to experience it. Plans to travel, meet with friends, return back to work, find some type of normalcy, are all dreams we strive for. At the end of it all, we can all agree that this has been an unforgettable year.