Goal For The Season: Rise Above Covid

Rising star Gabe McCrary looks to lead his team to a successful season

Submitted by Gabe McCrary

Senior guard Gabe McCrary makes a tough bucket at the rim.

Jaxin Osinski, Reporter

Nothing about this year is normal- it is all about adapting day by day, especially in sports. It is just about time for basketball season and a big year for Liberty. Not only is this a big year for the team but especially for senior guard Gabe McCrary. He is looking to show out for scouts and earn himself a college scholarship. 

“I’m ready to live up to the expectations, I feel confident and ready for the season,” McCrary said.

Due to COVID-19 protocols at school, McCrary has just been released from quarantine after missing practice for 10 days. However, he has stayed upbeat and is pumped to get back with his teammates.

“We have been getting better and better each day even with the circumstances we are under,” McCrary said.

Being a senior this year, McCrary has really settled into the leadership role and is the head of the dragon for this team. Still, with a very young team, he wants to prove outsiders wrong and show why his team deserves respect. 

“Gabe is super passionate about the game and takes it very serious,” said senior forward Kelvin Mack.

McCrary is embracing the challenges of this season and is ready to blow up in his last year as a high school basketball player. Countless hours in the gym, coming with early mornings and long nights. McCrary deeply cares about basketball and looks to achieve some big goals this year.