Sruthi Ramesh

With the move to Level 3: Virtual Learning, students and teachers have had to find new ways to adapt to changes.

Students and Teachers Reflect: Switching to Virtual Learning

The change of moving to virtual is leaving both students and teachers left to teach themselves the best way to educate.

With the move to Level 3: Virtual Learning, students and teachers have had to find new ways to adapt to changes. Some students have found this to be a more stressful working environment, and others have found that virtual learning positively impacts how they learn. When 69 students were asked about how they felt about virtual learning, 67.2% said they like virtual less than in-person or hybrid.

Survey Results Compiled by Kyndall Stubblefield

Virtual learning is like nothing most students have encountered before. Instead of being able to ask a teacher questions at any point during the day, students now only have a specified amount of time with one teacher. Not only is their time-limited each day, but students also have 4 classes one day and another 3 the next. This makes contacting a teacher harder than ever because all extra questions must be communicated over email.  

On the other hand, many students prefer virtual learning over in-person because they are less at risk for contracting COVID-19. Some also feel that being on Google Meets holds them accountable for their work.

But what will happen when January comes around? All high schoolers are set to return to school on Jan. 4 2021, but when looking at the results from the survey about virtual learning, most students were eager to come back to school: 70.1% wanted to come back and 29.9% didn’t.

With the switch to virtual, both students and teachers are impacted, and both have needed to learn new skills to best make space for a better learning experience. 

Read more about Students’ & Teachers’ Take on Virtual Learning:

Freshman Aicha Beye

Sophomore Madalynn Breckenridge

“Being a visual learner, I love being in the classroom and interacting. At home, it is hard to stay focused with my bedroom being my classroom as well. The major thing is just staying on top of due dates and assignments. The block schedule makes it harder to remember when everything is due, and it can be extremely overwhelming at times.”

Sophomore Madeline Francis 
Sophomore Lilly Goodwin

Junior Brynn Tussey

“I think virtual could improve by the teachers calling on/checking on people more and asking if they need help. A lot of people (like me) don't like talking in front of the class and just kind of doze off sometimes so I think if the teachers check on you it will help keep you on track.”

Senior Peyton Wright

“I do find it harder to work at home due to the possible distractions that can occur. Online learning can encourage distractions such as social media and texting as well as anything that is going on inside the home at the time."

Social Studies Teacher Mr. Barker
ELA Teacher Mr. Smith

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