What it’s Like Being a First-Year History Teacher
Former student teacher Ms. Dupske takes on full-time role
Ms. Dupske works hard on grading student work.
September 21, 2022
Liberty has a new U.S. History teacher this year – Ms. Dupske. You may already know her formally from her years of student teaching, or because she’s your history teacher already.
Over the past few weeks, Dupske has really shown her ability of being a history teacher. She has shown how even being a first-year teacher still allows you to make strong relationships and bonds with the students. She has only been here full-time several weeks but has already fallen in love with it.
“Just as the weeks have gone on, how relationships have formed and how students who thought I was a scary new teacher began to open up ad have a nice relationship with me,” Dupske said.

Even though she is a history teacher, she didn’t always know what she wanted to teach.
“Going into college, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher,” she said. “I wasn’t good enough at math and science to be a teacher for those subjects, I didn’t want to be an English teacher and have to grade all of those papers so I chose history.”
Dupske cares about each and every one of her students.
“My teaching philosophy is that students learn better and are more engaged when they know that you care about them,” Dupske said. She has demonstrated this throughout all of her classes, by not being super strict with her teaching, but still being able to have fun.