Hard Work Pays Off
Wrestlers prepare for the new season
Junior Trentin Helton is one of the many wrestlers doing offseason wrestling.
October 19, 2017
Off-season work is a very important time for the Liberty wrestling athletes.
Junior Trentin Helton and seniors Cameron Steinhoff and Hunter Chaney are all very excited to start the new season. They go to practice every Thursday at 3-5:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 10-noon.
As the season approaches, all the boys are getting ready and maintaining weight. Weight is very important in wrestling and there are specific weight classes to participate in. During this offseason, they are weight training to increase their strength.
Steinhoff said he was excited to compete and is excited to try to make it to the state tournament for the for third time. He is a senior this year and this is the last season he will be wrestling for LHS. He is at the 113 pound weight class. Steinhoff placed 5th at state last year. He also said the work ethic for the team is amazing. They all work hard, coaches are inspiring, and help them become the wrestlers they are today.
“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right,” Steinhoff said.
Chaney has been very close with wrestling since he was little. He has a close relationship with the coaches and is very inspired by his coaches dedication to the team. He is also excited for this season because he was a state qualifier last season and is also a senior. This is his last chance to make it to the state tournament.
“Push your limits until the new become the norm,” Chaney said.
Helton said he is so excited for this season. He said that during this offseason he needs to improve on his cardio and also conditioning. He is at the 145 pound weight class for Liberty’s team. Helton was a state qualifier last season and is very excited to see if he makes it again.
“If you constantly push past the barrier of exhaustion then you’ll never fail,” Helton said.