Boosting Booster Club
The club that works solely for you
Daniele Meyers sells Liberty merchandise for Booster Club at SLAMM Day in August.
October 9, 2017
The booster club is an all inclusive club of parents of students at Liberty created to support all LHS sports teams, clubs and organizations. Any club or team has the ability to ask booster club for funds.
“Our sole purpose is to raise funds that we then turn around and utilize them to help the school,” vice president Jeff Sacks said.
The booster club meets once a month to discuss requests for funds and sometimes they find themselves lacking enough requests.
“We need the clubs and sports teams to look to us more frequently,” Sacks said.
In the last four years, the booster club has raised over $90,000. This money has led to a wide variety of important purchases including indoor batting cages, tents for track, range finder for the gold team, weight room equipment, uniforms, swim parkas, a 3D printer for robotics, wrestling mats, choreography for cheer and dance, travel bags for football and a golf cart for the athletic trainer to get around and more.
There are many ways to get involved but the biggest need is volunteers to help with concessions. They need parents to sign up for booster club and for anyone to sign up for concessions.
The booster club’s three biggest fundraisers are there holiday bazaar, trivia night and golf tournament.
The holiday bazaar is scheduled to be November 11th. Last year, this event had 28 booths and made around $2,000. This year there are already 50 booths scheduled and is projected to be “pure profit.” The booster club will need people to help carry supplies for the crafters and with setup of this big event.
The booster club has an event coming up on Oct. 11. There is a spirit competition at Buffalo Wild Wings on Highway K where if you come dressed in your best LHS spirit wear and post to Twitter for a chance to win. Fifteen percent of your purchase goes to the booster club.
The golf tournament made $8,000 last year. It is scheduled to be this summer on June 18.
An ideal number of people for a golf tournament would be around 145 and booster club finds themselves struggling to get 60 or 70. This event is a struggle to pull of and they need help recruiting golfers.
To sign up for the booster club, go to membership app 17-18