A Road to Safer Driving
Liberty welcomes the new road addition
submitted by Wentzville School District
The administration opens up back parking lot to students due to traffic and the congested parking lot.
October 19, 2017
A plan that has been on hold for five years is finally taking action.
The city will be connecting Paul Renaud Blvd., a road located near Liberty and in Countryshire, to Sommers Road. Not only will the road be an extra entrance and exit for Countryshire, but also a way to help traffic at Liberty. A date hasn’t been set for the beginning of the road construction, but the anticipated finish date is either late 2018 or early 2019.
When the school was being built, the road was in the plans of being constructed, but never was.
“The city is building this, not the school district. So it’s not our road,” principal Mr. Nelson said. “It’s basically like an easement, like the ones in front of most people’s houses. The city is able to do whatever they would like in that area.”
The school has been pushing the city for the finishing of Paul Renaud Blvd. It will be an improvement for the better for Liberty students and staff. Over the summer, it was decided that the road will be finished.
The road will have one entrance and exit into the Liberty fields parking lot. It will have a major impact on the traffic situations during after school events like football, baseball, softball, soccer and tennis games, along with track and cross country meets.
“Leaving football games are always a pain,” assistant principal Dr. Kiely said. “Even I park at the school parking lot and walk to the football fields just because it’s easier to leave afterwards.”
Students who live in Countryshire will have a faster and safer way into the school’s parking lot.
“I’m really happy because I can wake up a little later in the morning and have a easier way to school,” junior Claudia Wallace said. “I think it will really help because coming out of my neighborhood in the morning is always a cluster.”
Not only will the road open an easier way to leave the field parking lots, but it will also make it easier and safer to enter and exit the main parking lot in front of the school for others. Buses will be directed to enter through Paul Renaud Blvd. and exit the school through the the same route. This means they won’t be turning into where students, teachers and parents are entering and leaving. The buses will have their own path to the bus drop off and pick up areas.
In more recent matters, the school has also recently opened the back parking lot to students. Students are now able to park behind the school once the front parking lot is full. If a student parks behind the school and is late, students are still required to walk around to the front of the school to check in.
The addition of Paul Renaud Blvd. is going to be a great addition to Liberty, making coming and leaving school easier, faster and safer for staff, parents and students.