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Suicide is a Joke now?

Kids joking about suicide is turning life and death into laughter
Madelyn Tierney
Kids have made suicide into a joke, but in reality it’s not. Suicide is the reason for 7 hundred thousand deaths.

You sit in class joking with your friends. You tell your friends that you have been grounded.I should just kill myself.It’s ok for you to say it, right? Since everyone else is? I mean you have heard it six times in the class you are in. The friends you were around just laughed at it. Except for one. You don’t think much about it and go home for the weekend like normal. When you come back to school on Monday, your friend is not there. The teacher tells you that your friend killed himself. Your heart drops.If I never made that comment, would he still be here?Echos in your head. 

Using these phrases has become a joke. People think it’s funny. But what’s not funny is according to the CDC in America there was 1 suicide every 11 minutes in 2021. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, there were 1.7 million attempts in 2021. According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 700,000 people who commit suicide every year. The scariest part is that according to CDC the number of suicides is increasing by the year.  

“The pain of depression is quite unimaginable to those who have not suffered it, and it kills in many instances because its anguish can no longer be borne. The prevention of many suicides will continue to be hindered until there is a general awareness of the nature of this pain.”

— William Styron, American novelist and essayist

The statistics show that this is not a funny topic. This is very serious. The 11th greatest cause of death is not something that should be thrown around as a joke. Anyone can be struggling with the thought of killing themselves. They can appear to be the happiest person on the planet. You can never know who is struggling, and then they have to hear a very serious problem for them being joked about. 

You can’t know if your friend is struggling. For that reason, you shouldn’t make thesejokesat all. Someone you know will likely end up killing themselves. Do you want to regret it?

If you or someone else is struggling or has the thought of suicide please contact a suicide hotline. 988 or 741741

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About the Contributor
Madelyn Tierney
Madelyn Tierney, Reporter
Madelyn Tierney is a freshman and is in her first year of journalism. She watches tons of movies and shows. She loves sports, comics, and books. She plays trombone in band. Madelyn loves to solve puzzles and can solve rubik’s cubes. She spends most of her time with her two puppies.

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