Lorelei Wise (11) has a very festive and creative family.
Each year Wise’s mom, brother, and twin sister dress up in customs down in Main Street in St. Charles for Christmas as part of the annual Christmas Traditions. They pass out cards and tell stories of their characters.
Lorelei’s sister’s name is Noelle Wise (11) and her brother’s name is Locke Dahle.
Noelle is a junior just like Lorelei, they’re actually twins. Noelle is 16 and Locke is 11.
“This is the first year for both my sister and my brother, however, my mom has done this two years prior,” Lorelei said. “First, acting as La Befana, and then singing in a caroling group.” Lorelei explains that this is her siblings first year, while this is not her mom’s first rodeo, or should I say her first sleigh ride.
Lorelei’s mother, Beth Dahle, has stayed very busy with many roles she’s playing, literally playing. She has played La Befana and is now acting as a flower seller with Noelle, while Locke is playing Tiny Tim.
“My mother has played La Befana, who is a loving witch-like woman who gives gifts to children, and would then alternatively play Gryla, a darker witch, on Fridays, when Saint Charles Christmas Traditions would participate in ‘KrampusNacht’, when the Christmas story took a dark yet enjoyable turn. My mom is now acting as a flower seller with my sister, while my brother is playing Tiny Tim.”
Beth Dahle in the past has auditioned and received a part as a caroler, who travels and sings along the cobblestone streets. And because this is Locke and Noelle’s first year participating in this event, they are now experiencing the jollyness of the characters and customs.
“My mother and sister have had the opportunity to work with each other, selling flowers and telling jokes to those passing by,” Lorelei said. “Whereas, my brother is playing Tiny Tim, and is accompanied on Wednesday nights by Mr. Scrooge, as they work together to tell the tale of the Christmas Carol. Every character in this experience has cards with their picture and story of their characters, and it is quite a fun and jovial way to spread the holiday spirit.”
Lorelei’s family has been coming to Saint Charles Christmas Traditions since they moved here about 12 years ago.
“We loved the immersive experience. When we found that there were open auditions, my mother was excited by the challenge and opportunity, and therefore decided to audition,” Lorelei said.
After Beth’s first year, she encouraged her family to sign up with her once they were old enough.
Whenever Beth Dahle encouraged her family to participate, and when it came to the flower seller act, she and Noelle worked cooperatively to come up with an entertaining repertoire.