My Take on Coco
Reviewing the Disney film through the eyes of a Mexican-American
A picture of my “ofrenda” and like the one in Coco. It’s decorated with pictures of my family members, sugar skulls and candles.
December 8, 2017
As a child, I always wanted a Hispanic Princess from Disney that I can see and relate to. I never really got that princess, but I got “Coco”! In all honesty, I was extremely skeptical about what the outcome of the movie would be.
The Hispanic culture is a delicate one to represent accurately. Especially when it comes to something like The Day of The Dead or Dia de Los Muertos in Spanish. My family told me many times that it was going to be a great movie because everyone in Mexico (including my family in Mexico) was head over heels for this movie. It actually became the most popular movie of the year in Mexico. So hearing this did remove some of my skepticism but not all.
When it came time for the movie, I was pleasantly surprised to see that in the movie all the voice actors were of Hispanic heritage and that the movie was equally both in English and Spanish. They blended both languages so beautifully it felt as if I was watching a part of my life be portrayed on the big screen. They handled the topic with extreme accuracy and very delicately. In no part of the movie did I feel offended or that I felt that the information that they were portraying was inaccurate in any way.
The movie was so full of life and resembled my culture so much that it even made me cry. Not because something bad happened to the character or related to a character. But that it reminded me so much of Mexico. Of my family. It made me realize not only how much I appreciate them and love them but about how much I miss them as well.
“Coco” is a beautiful, and lively movie that gives a warm comedic spin on Mexican traditions. I recommend not only Latinos but for anyone of any ethnicity or any age. It’s just a heartwarming movie, that shines a beautiful light on Latin traditions. My family and I can all agree that in our opinion this is probably Disney’s best movie ever.