Many people use art to express themselves. Kara Brockman (10) enjoys expressing herself and her artistic abilities through doing her nails.
Brockman discovered this passion she had for nails around springtime of last year. She started trying out different techniques on her nails every two weeks and doing fun designs and patterns, to doing a new set of nails every week during the summertime. This is when she fell in love with it.
She loves doing fun patterns for her nails.
“I do a lot of stars and flowers,” Brockman said.
In the future, Brockman would love to become a student at Mizzou and her dream job would be to become a lawyer. She would enjoy having clients and doing others’ nails in her free time for extra money, and go as far as getting her manicurist license.
“As of now, I don’t quite have the right set up to start having customers at my house, but in the future if I do, I would like to start,” Brockman said.
As for now though, she sticks with her own nails and the nails of close friends..