Mask Your Age
Teachers earn a hat trick over the seniors, winning their third Swofford game in a row
Mr. Luedecke drives into the lane for an easy layup over the seniors.
April 10, 2019

Student basketball players watch the action at the Swofford game.
The third annual Swofford game took place on Friday, April 5 where the teachers earned a win over the seniors for the third year in a row. The final score of the game was 52-33, the students only scoring six points in the second half total.
Ms. Runa Swofford came out before the game started to explain the meaning behind why seniors were about to battle the staff. The reason of the Swofford game taking place is to raise money for the Swofford scholarship. Scott Swofford was a coach at both Holt and Timberland and his wife came out to start the game off right, by explaining why they were all really there.
“Especially with everyone being together as a family,” Swofford said, setting the mood of the game. After Swofford ended her speech, the audience applauded and then waited for the tip off.
With the score of the game, you would think the student section would be dead and boring, but not Liberty. After an unexpected start to the game, the student section soon started to cheer for their seniors loud and proud, students only down by one at the end of the first quarter.
Senior Hunter Perkins led the students to their comeback by hitting 3-pointers. He led on the floor in the same way he does when leading cheers in the student section during the regular basketball season.
“Smooth as butter,” Perkins said after the game, referring to his nickname “Butter” on the back of his shirt. As much as Perkins did to help the team, by the end of the second quarter teachers were up by eight, 35-27.
Halftime featured the faculty-student halftime performance, coached by French teacher Ms. Farrelly, choreographed by senior Katie McVey. The halftime performance was exciting and attention grabbing, from poms poms to kick lines, this show had it all.

Hunter “Butter” Perkins pushes the speed of the game by driving the ball down the court while Mr. Schumacher looks on.
Then began the 60-second scholarship. This is when buckets are passed around for a minute and people can donate money to the Swofford Scholarship. There was a total of $122.45 raised in 60 seconds for a great cause.
The grand total of the night was a whopping $2,641.45, exceeding the goal of $2,000.
In the second half, hoops were lowered and many players, whether that be student or faculty, were interested in dunking. Let’s just say the teachers were a bit more successful in that department, scoring nine points in the third quarter, students only scoring three.
Going into the fourth quarter, the score was 44-30, teachers winning. As hard as the seniors tried to get back in the game, they lost to the teachers for a third year in a row, 52-33.
To see more pictures from the Swofford Game, click here: Highlights From The Swofford Game.