New Bill 1750

It’s important to say the pledge every day

Maddie Baker, Sports Editor

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

Those were the words I used to say everyday in elementary school, but once middle school hit you only had to say those words once a week.

I always thought it was strange to not say the pledge of allegiance everyday.

I was always told that when we say the pledge to say it loud and proud for we are remembering the people who serve our country, but as I got older I realized, not only are we remembering the people who served our country.

The new House Bill 1750 was passed and now is in effect for all the federally funded schools in Missouri. All schools that are federally funded now have to work into the schedule a time to say the pledge of allegiance once a day, everyday.

This allows the students to be able to remember those serving or have served our country everyday and remember why we have the rights we have today.

We say the pledge for many reasons, the most common being to remember the people who are serving or have served our country. We say the pledge to show respect to the founding fathers who created the Constitution to set up our government and have no one power in control and set rights for the people.

We say it as a promise to come together as one nation when we have to deal with conflicts that arise unexpectedly, like terrorism. It shows our solidarity as a nation, regardless of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs and gender. Not only is it a remembrance of the people who fight for our freedoms, but it’s the remembrance of the firefighters, police officers, paramedics, and for all the people who make the United States possible.

Although it may take some time to figure out when to work the pledge into the schedule, it’s still a very important thing to remember everything that was done for us, so we can have the freedoms that we do today.

No other nation in the world has known such liberties and prosperity as the United States.