Are You Ready To Get Loud?

StuCo finds a way to get the crowd hyped up.

Lauren Spakowski

Carson Clay gets the crowd hyped up at a football game.

Serena Bartels, Staff Reporter

Are you ready to show some school spirit? Well, you’re in luck. Liberty has a new way to get students hyped up about school pride. 

At the end of each school year, Student Council talks about what their goals will be for the following school year. As a group, they decided to focus on school spirit so they created a spirit can. 

“We came up with the idea for it after reading about different examples and ideas of spirit from other schools,” StuCo sponsor Ms. Holmes said. 

The can is filled with Liberty spirit items and candy. On the lid, the word “noise” is painted so when the students raise the lid, the crowd should get louder and louder. Then as a reward, the council will throw out items from the can as students get loud. 

The spirit can be found at pep assemblies, football games, anywhere that students could show school spirit. What better way to get the crowd hyped up then with candy? 

Have you gotten anything from the Spirit Can yet?

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“My favorite part about the can is how it is able to get everyone involved,” president of Student Council Amiee Weber said. “Whether they are in the front or back of the student section, everyone gets excited to try to get a prize or candy from the can when we start to throw items.”  

There has been a change in school spirit since the can was made. The can is easy to follow along with when the leader points to “noise” on the lid.

“I think that it has made communication with the entire student section easier and more fun,” Weber said.  

So are you ready to get hyped with Liberty’s spirit can? Show us your school pride by getting loud!