Eat It Or Leave It
How having breakfast effects a student and their performance
The choice students make to either eat breakfast or leave it.
December 3, 2019
Eat it or leave it. It’s a decision each and every one of us makes every morning. The decision to have breakfast or to not have breakfast. It’s a simple concept, at least that’s what we think. Food fuels the body, so does one meal really have an effect on our day?
Both freshmen Emma Mulherin and Emma McKinney seem to think so, although each regularly skips their first meal.
“I’m just usually in a rush in the morning,” Mulherin said. Although she is “ usually angry” when she doesn’t eat and eating “gives me more energy.”
McKinney says something similar.
“Sometimes I just don’t have time,” McKinney confesses. She also states that she performs better when she eats and her emotions are more in check.
On the other hand, there is a freshman Eijalanrain Jeffs. Who eats breakfast “every day. If I don’t eat I’m hungry.” Like Mulherin and McKinney, Jeffs also performs better when she eats.
It goes to show that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Just one decision can impact your performance throughout the day. So, take five extra minutes to eat, you might not regret it. But, it’s up to you if you want to eat it or leave it.