The Quarantine Cast: Episode 1
Here’s some tips on how to stay occupied during the COVID-19 outbreak

Featuring the very first episode of the series The Quarantine Cast.
As we all know, the Coronavirus has basically shut down the entire world: First appearing in China in December and gradually spreading to just about every other country. Before we knew it, Italy had been completely shut down, and in the blink of an eye, and the normal life we were living was completely altered. College students were sent home from universities, major sports events and concerts were canceled, and eventually, the public schools in our area were closed. The best thing we can do to help is to stay inside, unless of course, it is for an essential need, and wash our hands consistently. During this trying time, we must stick together as much as possible, although, from a safe distance. Here are some things you can do to help you get through this at home.