Online School Reduced To Four-Day Weeks

An update to online school schedule, includes no Fridays for students

Sruthi Ramesh

As students settle into the new routine of online schooling, Wentzville School District is trying to help students be the best they can be with the new routine they are making for themselves. 

As students settle into the new routine of online schooling, Wentzville School District is trying to help students be the best they can be with the new routine they are making for themselves. 

As of April 20, for the rest of the online school year, students will have Fridays off. As for teachers, they will utilize Fridays to plan for upcoming instruction much like a professional day.

Teachers will still be available for answering emails and communicating with students. But the real thought of Fridays is for students and families to relax, spend time with family, and/or catch up on unfinished assignments if needed. 

As for standardized testing, they are attempting to try it online this year. 

  • CLICK HERE for the Seal of Biliteracy information.
  • CLICK HERE for AP class information 
  • CLICK HERE for ACT updates 
  • Students enrolled in the U.S. Government will be taking the U.S. Constitution and Missouri Constitution tests online in mid-May through their Government classes.  
  • PLTW will not be issuing its 2019-2020 EO test due to COVID-19.

In additional news, something big has been announced by Gov. Parson about whether snow days will be made up or not. 

“Due to the Governor’s closure of all schools for the remainder of the school year in the State of Missouri, we have been given the opportunity to waive our inclement weather days in this year’s school calendar,” WSD superintendent Dr. Cain said in his email. 

Therefore school will be held until May 22 for the underclassmen and juniors, and for seniors May 14.