Swim Team Takes Fourth Place At GACs

The event was changed from being a two-day event due to the pending snowstorm

Jax Drezek

Leilani Green (10) focuses on her movement and breathing during a swim meet.

Emily Barnett, Reporter

The GAC swim meet is one of the most highly anticipated meets of the swim season. On Jan. 31, Liberty’s girls swim team made a trip to the St. Peters Rec-Plex where the GAC meet is held annually.

This year the girls swim team was bumped up to 5A or Class 2 for larger schools. The switch in class is not the only change that occurred during GACs. Another modification was on the schedule which changed from being a two-day event into one. This was due to concern about an upcoming snowstorm.

“They all did really well and most girls had PRs,” coach Whitmore said. “It was our first year participating in the GAC South Division. The South Division has larger schools and most of those schools have larger teams. It was a challenge that the girls took on.”

During competitions such as GACs, the team likes to gather and focus on accomplishments achieved together. Jessica Wagner (10) leaned a lot on her teammates especially her teammates Evan Worbec (12) and Brooke Suftko (11). At the end of GACs, Liberty placed fourth, a huge accomplishment for the team.

“I felt really proud because this was our first year in a new division and fourth place is a really good place,” Lelani Green said.

Some of the highlights included: a second-place finish by Laura Bonds in the 500 freestyle; fourth place by Lelani Green; and fourth-place finish in the 200 free relay from the team of Wagner, Worobec, Fiona Do, and Green.

GACs continues to be fun and one of the most “hype” meets of the season. The swimmers work hard all season in preparation for big competitions like this.

“I want others to know that swim can be a very challenging sport that requires both physical and mental strength and I admire all my teammates and how well they perform in what I would say is a very challenging sport,” Wagner said.