Helping Others, Helping Ourselves
Liberty’s Key Club goes to the Meals for a Million event at the St. Charles Family Arena
photo submitted by Mrs. Borders
Key Club at Meals for a Million where Tim Ezell from Fox 2 News filmed Key Club hard at work. Key Club will be on Fox 2 News’ The Thread on Saturday, Sept. 16 at 8:30 a.m.
September 12, 2017
When a group comes together to help their community or other people in need, it can form a sense of togetherness or unity. That is exactly what Key Club did on August 26 at the St. Charles Family Arena.
Meals for a Million is a food packaging event that brings together the St. Louis community in an effort to package 1 million meals specifically for people in the St. Louis area.
The two meals being packaged were Fortified Rice and Beans and Instant Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. Each pouch of food could feed a complete meal to six children or four adults.
Twelve Key Club members and supporters gathered in the St. Charles Family Arena at 10:45 a.m. on Saturday to serve others in their community and help with Meals for a Million. The club spent two hours that Saturday morning packaging Instant Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal.
“I believe that students will really find themselves in the service of others,” said Mrs. Borders, a Key Club co-sponsor who feel she is being impacted and inspired by her Key Club students.
Meals for a Million was suggested by Mrs. Hickerson, the other co-sponsor for Key Club.
Key Club is the largest and oldest international youth service club. The club solely focused on community service and usually does one service event each month during the school year.
“I joined Key Club because I love doing community service outreach and I really enjoy just being able to come together with the student body and be able to help other people,” sophomore Annalisa Kercher said.
When Key Club went into this service project, they didn’t only impact people who would receive the food being packaged. They inspired each other and enjoyed knowing they were coming together with other people who wanted to be there and help make a difference.
Luella Franke | Oct 3, 2017 at 5:40 am
A very worthy project for the community. A great service project for learniing to share and work together to help others.