Changing it up
Liberty gets a new varsity softball head coach
Head varsity softball Coach Flores get the girls together to pick them up for the game.
September 19, 2017
Sports teams really rely on coaches to push the players to do their very best and help them improve with new and old skills.
At first, players on the softball team didn’t know if they would like the coaching change, but soon realized that this was for the best.
“I thought it was weird at first. [Coach] Flores and I had never met before and he was about to be the coach of the most important thing in my life,” senior Gabbi Evans said. “I knew he was a tough coach and he was going to push us hard. It worried me a little bit because I didn’t know if I was ready, but as the season progresses I realize it was a good change.”
Coach Flores has coached at Liberty as an assistant football coach, but wanted to coach softball for a change.
Even though Coach Flores has been coaching for softball only one year, the team has been very successful so far this season.
“We’ve been very aggressive in our approach at the plate and at the bases and as a team we’ve got over 50 stolen bases right now and we’re halfway through the season,” Coach Flores said. “I think it’s just being aggressive.”
The softball team has really bonded with Coach Flores and can take take him both seriously and have fun with softball as well.
“My favorite part about working with Coach Flores is that we can joke around with him and have fun, but we can also be serious with him. Also, if you ever need help with anything, he’ll stay after and help you get better even after hours,” Evans said.
Even Coach Flores has taken a bond to the girls and helped them become more like a family.
“I think we’ve bonded pretty well, the atmosphere that we try to create is like a family like atmosphere with our varsity, JV and I think it’s going great. I think the girls are really buying in and their coming together,” Flores said. “Our goals are to get them to buy into the compete in every pitch and controlling what they can, which is their attitude and effort and letting the results take care of themselves.”
Being closer to each of your teammates has helped softball win more games, but Coach Flores has also helped them learn a variety of new things.
“I hoped that as new set of eyes watching, he would be able to teach us new skills and improve old skills,” Evans said. “Flores has helped me stay calm. The mental side of the game takes it’s toll on me and messes with my head a lot. He’s helped me get out of my head and have fun with it.”
The dream of coaching has really made Coach Flores excited to work with the girls.
“I think that the girls that we have here, they’re great, hard working girls and coaching is a very big passion of mine and I enjoy doing it and it keeps me active and involved outside of a school segment,” he said.
The softball team has been very successful with the transition of a new coach and is also doing well with the season being 9-9 and working on new skills as well.