If you’re looking for a club to join or wanting to try something outside of your comfort zone, Scholar Bowl might be the place for you.
Scholar Bowl is an MSHSAA activity in which two academic teams compete against each other for points by testing their knowledge in a variety of academic subjects. Mr. Schaper is the club sponsor and they meet every other Tuesday in room 223.
Schaper says that Scholar Bowl is very welcoming to everybody and anyone could join no matter the grade level or your experience. He also explains how Scholar Bowl works.
“The objective of Scholar Bowl is to answer academic questions faster than another team using a buzzer. It really is similar to a trivia game show like ‘Jeopardy!’ except there are teams and points instead of individual cash prizes unfortunately.”
Just like other MSHSAA activities, Scholar Bowl can go to districts and beyond if they win.
“There are competitions with other schools. We typically have four to five regular season meets every other Tuesday beginning in December,” Schaper said. “The meets are held at other high schools in the area in classrooms reserved for our matches. We usually play three matches at a meet, with each match lasting about 45 minutes.”

Aicha Beye, a senior, has been in Scholar Bowl since her sophomore year and has loved it ever since.
“My favorite part about Scholar Bowl is the feeling of answering a question correctly with my team,” Beye said. “It’s so nice to be rewarded for my interests in subjects that aren’t necessarily standard content at school. Personally, I take great pleasure in answering pop culture questions.”
Beye is looking forward to the end of the competition season where the club may advanced to the district tournament.
When asked what would you say to people who want to join Scholar Bowl, she said, “I would encourage anyone who’s interested to try it out. I never expected to enjoy the club as much as I do, and at the end of the day you learn so much from the experience.”