Throughout the month of October, seniors can take advantage of all the perks that go along with apply month.
During apply month, seniors are encouraged to sign up and get help from the counselors to apply to college. Apply month is only limited to seniors, and must be signed up for the college application they need help with.
When getting help with your application, you also get free prizes and snacks. The counselors are here to help with your application until Oct. 25. Application help is not just for traditional applications. You can also receive help to apply to two year colleges, technical colleges, non-degree programs (CNA, cosmetology, apprenticeships, etc.), and military. Seniors who have a release, TA, or Dual Enrollment hour should prioritize signing up during those periods.

Senior Allison Goldstein attended a session this past week to receive help applying to St. Charles Community College.
“It was good, I received a lot of help,” Goldstein said.
Apply month is a good time to ask questions and receive help if you need it. Mrs. Gerringer is welcome to answer any questions that may come up during the entire process.
“It was very easy, they give you all the resources to help you through it,” Goldstein said. “All you really need is your Chromebook or computer, they give you everything else.” When asked if you could give some advice for anyone thinking about signing up, Goldstein replied, “Just sign up, give it a try. It’s actually really helpful. Plus, you get prizes, snacks, and other things along with it.”
Senior Madison Lipp also attended a session. She said the application process “was pretty easy. It’s all done down in the counselor’s office.”
During your signup, make sure you write down what day and what time would be best preferred for you.
“It was pretty easy, she (Ms. Gerringer) answers a lot of questions for you. Most of the counselors are also available for other things as well,” Lipp said.
Apply month can be great help with asking questions about anything you may come across especially if you are the first in your family to do so. To sign up, there is a link in your email or please ask Mrs. Gerringer in the Student Center.